Queen of my heart.

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(11 years later)

Veronica's pov.

My father apologized for my childhood trauma. Even apologized for separating me with my twin brothers.

However, the damage was already done. I had fell in with the wrong crowd. We were angry and had our money.

We were angry at the parents that failed us. Angry at the universe. Bitter that kids from poor background's innocence was protected.

(At age 14 memory)

I still remember how I lost my virginity at 14. I was secretly seeing one of my dad's friends. It was my little revenge to him.

A way to get him back for all the trauma he has exposed me too.

Oh yes revenge tasted like honey. I knew he would come back around 2pm. Purposefully lied to his friend that he would come back the next day.

I told his friend I was ready to give myself to him and he agreed. The pain of an oversized dick was excruciating. He was so long that my tummy started to hurt right away.

I had succeeded in seducing him. It really helped that my boobs were a B cup and I had wide hips like an 18 year old.

It wasn't easy getting him to date me. His married after all and is my father's best friend.

After hurting, it started to feel unbelievably good. Yet the pleasure was short lived as my father pulled his friend off me.

"You pedophile! I'll fucken kill you!"

Screamed my father hitting his friend.

We've been dating for Two years so I had strong feelings for his friend. I thought I would find it funny but it wasn't.

My eyes watered as I tried to pull my father off my boyfriend, that happened to be his best friend. He beat him up so bad that blood covered his face.

"Daddy please stop! I'll do anything you say! I'll break up with him!"

I cried and successfully got in the middle of them.

A few  punches meant for Miles his best friend, landed on my face.
Miles wiped blood from his eyes and moved me behind him.

My father realizing that he had punched me,
Fell to his knees in disparity. He put his hands on his head.

"Are you happy Miles? My baby loves you.
Did you see her jump between us catching punches for you?
Man, I treat your daughters like my own daughters!
Your daughter Chloe is the same age as my Veronica."

Said my father crying as he sat on his feet.

"My baby! Veronica is my baby!
You know how much I love her.
Why? Why? Why? Why?
Miles leave before I go get my gun.
I hate you so much!
Veronica, I'm so sorry! I trusted Miles.
I didn't know baby, I didn't know he was into small girls!"

Said my father crying until an idea popped into his head.

He had a crazy look and smiled.

"That's right, Anika your wife will know this.
Maybe a divorce and night in jail will fix your head.
You a sick man Miles! Your Chloe is the same age!"

Said my father reaching for his phone.

Miles panicked and rushed to go grabbed the phone.

"Please Ryan! I'm sorry. I know what it looks like.
Let me marry Veronica. You know that Anika was forced down my throat by my parents.
You know they threatened to take my inheritance away.
Veronica is my first choice. I'm sorry that I'm not her age.
I promise I'll marry her."

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