All or Nothing

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Veronica's pov.

I had just closed the door to the bathroom, when it reopen revealing Layla.

She locked the door from inside and walked up to me. Before I knew it we were kissing inside the office bathroom.

Butterflies in my tummy. My heart racing and fluttering all at once. I should be stopping this. But I didn't want to.

My clothes came off without me noticing. Layla also undressed herself.
In each other's arms finally, our tongues fighting for dominance in each other's mouth.

Her body is straight up insane and looks better than I had remembered it. Her hands in my hair, on my neck, running down my back and grabbing my ass.

Layla massaged my ass as the kiss went on. Emptying out my fantasy box. Breaking chains of self control and lust. Setting it loose to wonder.

When she pulled away I felt light headed as she held me close and moved my hair out of the way to kiss my ear.

Licking my ear lobe and making me tingle all over.

"This time you can't leave or chase me away."

Said Layla in a velvet sexy voice. As if I wanted things to turn out like they did. I'm more mature and alot sober. I'll never fuck up again.

"I searched for you in Paris, I was too late-"

I said when Layla cupped my pussy and rubbed my clit in a circular motion.

"I know."

Was all she said as she slid her two middle fingers inside me. Her mouth was on my neck kissing my weak spot.
Wait...She knew I was looking for her?how but how?

"How did you know? Why didn't you reach out?
I said I'm sorry and you wouldn't let me make it up to you.
If you must know, I wasn't dating Chloe.
The last I saw her body was during our threesome."

I said as her fingers moved deeper and faster inside me. I placed my head on her shoulder and held her for support. Just a little more and I'll cum.

"Ahhhhh Layla I'm cumming! Shit! I'm seeing stars right now."

I moaned  softly as I could riding my rollercoaster of climax. My legs shook as my whole body trembled.
Layla took her fingers out of me and sucked them.

"Sit down and spread your legs baby."

Layla seductively said to which I obeyed with out question. I sat down on the bathroom carpet and spread my legs as further as they could go.

Holding them to my chest as Layla got between them and kissed my inner thigh. Skipping my pussy to kiss my abs.

Moving up to take a nipple into her hot wet mouth. My back arch on its own as she sucked on my nipples as she massaged my boobs and pinched my nipples.

" I missed you so much Layla."

I said as I closed my eyes in pleasure as she rubbed my clit after coating her fingers with spit.

Layla kissed up my chest to capture my lips with hers. In a passionate kiss that rewired my brain and heart.

Cupid must of shot one of his arrows at us I swear. How did we get here?
Here where Layla's head was in-between my legs licking my clit.

"When you lick me like that, how do you expect my brain to work in the presentation?"

I asked and panic filled my body.

"Fuck the presentation, Bianca will do the pitch.
She worked on it as much as you have and I trust her.
You belong here at the tip of my tongue."

Said Layla and that was it. That was the end of my restraint. I grinded upwards as Layla sucked on my clit.

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