Mistress of cruelty

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Veronica's pov.

Its been a year and unsurprisingly I divorced Miles.

He made me choose between my job and our marriage and I chose my job.

He went on about how my son will grow up without a mother because I'm selfish.

Knowing damn well that his trying to control me and it wasn't working. I heard that his seeing someone and I definitely don't care.

I want to win back Layla even though it's a fools errend. Just to know that I've tried everything to get her back is enough for me.

It's 4am and I'm needed at the office at  10am but I want to start working in an organised environment. I need to see when is the next fashion show while preparing for the one that's next week.

It's so hard to look in the mirror. Sure I winned the court case and won custody of Jeremy my son but I feel ugly inside because I had to fight dirty.

I dug up that Miles has been not only been  with young girls but also young men who threw themselves at him. I painted him as a predator and not fit to be a parent.

Rightfully so!

He didn't carry anyone for 9 months and push them out his womb. He didn't wash anyone's body, dressed them and fed them.

In fact he would lift him for a few seconds and return him to me to answer Mafia calls.

My boy stands a better chance with me and it's not like he doesn't have visitation rights. I need to stop dwelling on the past and just get in the shawor.

Inside the shawor I let the warm water sooth me as I cried. I never learned my lesson. Thinking that Layla will always forgive me.

Now I have to go through her Personal assistant to talk to her. It's been a while since we've spoke after I burnt the bridge connecting me to her.

All I have was memories, wet dreams and my imagination. I'm weak for fantasizing about Layla right now. I close my eyes and imagine her giving me a back hug and kissing my back.

Lucky for me, my phone rang and I rushed out the shawor and answered Layla's call with trembling fingers. Did I mention that I'm no longer allowed to call her by her name?

It's Miss Dove, Mistress, Mam or Boss.

(Call between Layla and Veronica)

Veronica: Boss?

Layla: Are the preparation for the fashion show complete?

Veronica: Layla these are not working ours!
I bloody know my rights, we will have that conversation at 10am when I'm on the clock.
Is there anything else?

Layla: Yes, you'll be demoted. I asked you a simple question and it's 10am for your information.
I'm not your ex understand?
I'm your damn Boss!
I certainly don't have time to entertain your drama, I'm taking you off the project.
My assistant has sore ankles from working over time doing your job.
Because she likes you she's busy printing everything and organizing everything.
Think I'll watch you make my woman your slave?


(Veronica hung up)

What? I don't understand? This doesn't make any sense.

Did this happen when I was working from home? Just how did that no body end up Layla's woman?

Why am I surprised? She probably went down on her to get hired and gave herself to Layla to pull the rug under my feet.

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