Chapter 3- Alliances Formed

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The next chapter starts with our heroes making it to their guild

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The next chapter starts with our heroes making it to their guild. Kyoshi's fist was a guild that was very honorable and as a result this gave them a lot of money for them to be able to invest into their needs and resources such as renovations for the guild hall, repairs to the weapon rooms and more. As Kheme was walking with KenKen and the others, he could naturally feel the energy in the air coming from the guild. They made their way in but before they went into, Tarra felt like it was appropriate to tell Kheme that the guild is quite rowdy despite their reputation, so if Kheme sees them all doing things such as rough housing or arguing over silly disputes, then to not be alarmed. Kheme smiles and assures them that it won't faze and has even said that moments such as these are the ones that make the job fun. The group smiled at this and led him inside through the guild halls. Inside the building, the energy was palpable as the members in the hall were either drinking, playing games or even just eating and fellowshipping with each other. Kheme was then led through the halls, and he watched all of the interactions with amusement. This is a lively bunch, and it semes like everyone truly cares for each other. Kheme smiles at all the scene before him before he was interrupted out his thoughts when Tarra and KenKen had decided to tell the rest of the group to wait in the lobby while they accompanied kheme and escort them to Master Kyoshi. The others nodded and told kheme that they would see him after his meeting.

Terra:(Watches as the other members go to the lobby join the fun with their fellow guild mates)" Wow, you only been with us for a day and yet Raide, Kyun and Rage like you. It took even KenKen at least a week before those three decided to actually to us more. I expected you to be stuck up due to how strong and famous you are." She says admittedly with a smile.

Ken:" No kidding, you're not only very powerful, but also are noble and very down to earth. I guess that goes to show that rumors and tales can also make assumptions that can be misleading."

Kheme:(Smiled lightly before saying)" Its to be expected. Honestly, I was never even aware that I even had a reputation being built upon me during my travels. Though I can understand why tales about me can also depict me to be arrogant too. Stories about people can lead to different types of conclusions when they aren't seen. Which is why we often would like to see the things we hear about before making any final thoughts upon the matters that we are intrigued about."

Ken:" But that also can lead to doubt because we as mortals want to see things to believe it. In some cases, that is just not the case. Some things just happen in occurrence because we either will find out about it later, or we were just never supposed to witness it at all."

Kheme:" perhaps, but there are very few things in this world that can be believed without any reason to see it. Essentially, concrete evidence at times isn't always enough either because once you find it then another series of questions form from there, such as "Where did it originate from?", "How did it come to be?", or even "Why was it here and for what?".

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