Chapter 5-Breakthrough

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Previously, On the Omni Powered Warrior. Our heroes had succeeded in barging inside the Spawn point's west side unit and had gone on to charge through the multitudes of hordes made by Kayoc, the Enigmatic Overseer of this dark place. However, Things changed when Kayoc had then changed the entire room itself and rearranged the flooring itself, thus creating a labyrinth-like maze. And to make things even more treacherous, our heroes were separated during this time, Tarra was with Rage, Ken was with Raide and Kyun, and Kheme was alone as they navigated through the melancholic hallways. They had many hazards and different obstacles on the way, with the hallways either shooting different projectiles, Rooms spinning In different directions wall walls are closing on to crush them, or even rooms that were extremely dark with little to no light and different creatures are inside these rooms. However, our heroes prevailed and had made it out of these rooms unscathed. Kayoc, now seething with rage, now decides to confront our heroes directly and eliminate them himself. The confrontation begins now.

Kheme reunited with his companions, was he ever happy to see them. He walked into the opening of the dark corridors and saw that his five teammates were all okay. When he walked into see Kyun and Raide engaging one of their usual series of bantering while Tarra, and Ken just watched with exasperated faces in watching the two go at it, Kheme smiled. Seems like no matter the situation, this group still found ways to keep their humanity. He then walks up to them and waves as he walks up to them, this catches the group's attention as they looked up and smiled at him. They all ran up to him to see his experience in the parts of the accursed maze they all had to endure.

Kheme told them his side of the story as they all sat and listened with attentiveness and admiration, seemingly invested into his tale. After Kheme was finished talking about his side of the story, that is when everyone starts talking about their own experiences. This was all going well until they heard Ken say that he, Kyun and Raide didn't experience any of the obstacles they did but instead had been stuck in this room for the longest until they realized that it was the end point.

This obviously led to the rest of the group to look at them ludicrously as they couldn't believe that not was Ken and his group did not have to experience all the traps or enemies along the pathways the others had seen, but also that it seems like Ken was essentially sitting there watching over Kyun and Raide argue until everyone else had made it.

Taara:(With shock still evident in her voice after the revelation she just heard) "So you mean to tell me that while Me, Rage, and Kheme all have different obstacles to avoid, you all were just here arguing??)

Rage:" That's actually crazy, talk about lucking out, the fact you all just landed at the end of the maze by chance is situational irony at its best."

Kheme:" Well, since Ken was forced to watch over Kyun and Raide in a trapped room with NO knowledge about their whereabouts whatsoever, I'm pretty sure he had it the worst of us."

Ken:" DO NOT remind me. That was 45 minutes of having to sit here and endure these two nitwits sit here and argue about anything that exists... these two were arguing for so long that they then got into a heated argument about who puts on their shoes faster."

Everyone was still conversating about their different experiences, but Kheme was still watching and looking around in high alert. That voice from the speakers in the main lobby they were in before they got put into that maze was the one who was responsible for that. He couldn't shake off the feeling that someone was watching him and his companions somewhere. They then walk on ahead to the Spawn points core after 30 minutes passed, they arrived at a vast clearing where the dark core was swirling and pulsating dark energy. But before they could get any closer that is when they saw a man who appeared to be waiting for them.

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