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MC : ladies and gentlemen welcome to the 2024 first F1 championship. Multiple teams will take part in this championship with there 2 - 2 racers. The racers taking part in this championship are and mr. Tony from VG racers. Mr. Kim taehyung and Mr. Lee jung suk from Team X-hunter. Mr. Hwang hyunjin and Mr. Lee felix from team red on.

Yn : taehyung you look nervous are you okey?

Tae : I'm fine.
He said while wearing his gloves getting ready for race in the locker room where there was no one else besides yn and taehyung. Taehyung was clearly nervous so was yn.

Yn : Tae I'm worried, take care of yourself.
She said and give a small kiss on his lips.

Tae : i have been winning this small championships from so long. There's nothing to worry.

He said with poker face and walked out leaving yn with sad and worried face.

Jung suk : let's go taehyung.

Yoongi : good luck, must win.
He smiled.

Jackson : good luck, fighting!!


MC 1 : it's been 5 min race have been started and our compiter are so fast and it's nearly the end.

MC 2 : yes and looking at the track we can see taehyung running on the 1st and Vegas on 2nd trying to take over him.

MC 1 : vegas's teammate Tony is helping him being on 3rd and 4th is Lee jung suk.

MC 2 : it looks like taehyung is going to achieve this trophy on team X-hunter. Wait wait wait what's wrong with his car.

Everyone shocked and stand on their seats when they saw taehyung car stopped on the half of the track and all the car started to take over him.

MC 1 : OH my god this is the biggest disaster all the time. This is the first happening this kind of incident on race track. Taehyung car totally stopped.

MC 2 : he is pushing to start it again. It's no use all the other competitors are taken over him already.

Yoongi : w-what is wrong with his car?

Jackson : i don't know, he checked his car by himself last night before going home.

Yoongi : damnit!!!

MC 1 : his car started his car started again. He running on the track all alone behind, i think he can complete the race.

MC 2 : and the 1st racer on the track is Vegas, 2nd Lee jung suk and 3rd racer is mr. Tony.

MC 1 : AND THE RACE ENDED HERE. Big hand to the winner team VG racers and the other racers who take part and tried their best.

Taehyung get out of the car and throw away his helmet in anger.

After 2h

Tae : how the hell this happened!!!

Yn : taehyung clam down.
She said while walking towards him.

Tae : you just shut up. You are you are the one... Ahh just get out of my sight.

Yn : w-what are you saying!? I-i just just don't get it.

Tae : you think I'm stupid. I don't know anything. I saw you have been that new mechanic in private and you meet Vegas the other day too.

Yn : don't me.
I said when my eyes filled up with tears. Taehyung paused for a second.

Tae : just get out of my sight. I don't want to see you anymore.

He said and walked away leaving yn alone at home. 

Yoongi : seojun can you please explain what happened with taehyung car?

Seojun : are you doubting me? I said i didn't do anything.

Yoongi : if not you then who? You are only one new in here.

Yoongi : if not you then who? You are only one new in here

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Seojun : if I'm new that doesn't mean I did it.

Jackson : you did it, i see you last night alone in here.

Yoongi : did you Jackson?

Jackson : yes he was doing something with his car.

Seojun : I'm mechanic so obviously I was just checking the car. I swear I didn't do anything.

Jackson : i think you should go before we call the police.

Seojun : if you didn't trust me for the first time why did you even hire me.

He said and walked out.

Yoongi : i don't know who should I trust and who not. It's so messed up.

Jackson : there's one more thing.

Yoongi : what?

Jackson : i saw yn with seojun and once with Vegas too. I just didn't tell because of taehyung sake now i think it's time to reveal everything.

Yoongi : hm if this is the case we have to talk to taehyung about this.

To be countinue ___________

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