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Tae : are you stupid?

Yn : why? What's wrong now?

Tae : you are picking out wrong stuff, you don't know which one is good and which is not. How stupid are you actually?

Yn : I don't know I never did this. You always used to do these things for me. You never let me deal with this stuff.
I said making pout.

Tae : forgot it, since the memory is lost, I'll make you do all things on your own. What if I die one day? Are you going to starve to death?
He almost yelled.

Yn : stop saying that. I'm not letting you go anywhere, you'll stay with me forever.

Tae : what's wrong with you?

Yn : you...

Tae : what? If you are not going to do anything go and fucking wait in the car. Get out of my sight.

He galred at me. At the moment jungkook walked from the other side.

Jk : can't you both be nice to eachother.

Taehyung just ignored us and walked away.

Jk : you okey yn?
He put his on my shoulder to comfort me.

Yn : despite him hating me, viewing me as burden or wanting to leave me, he shouldn't have mentioned his death.

Jk : what he wanted you to tell is that, you should be able to take care of yourself, when he's not around.

Yn : everything was fine, he used to take care of me well and now he lost his memory so he started treating me like this.

Jk : it's okey don't worry, I know everything will be fine. Be strong.

As we was done with shopping me and jungkook went to our car and taehyung was already standing there. He take the stuff from our hands and put it in car. He looked at me for second and then snatched the bag to put in car.

Yn : tae... I'm sorry. I just don't wanted you to say that.
I said to him looking all sad.

Tae : you always get upset with trivial matters. It's okey. I'm not mad at you
He smiled.

As we was about to sit in the car, a random guy walked towards us and said "kim yn? It's really you."
"Are doing well?"

Flashback from ch 3 precious wife
in snooker club...

Yn : what's this taehyung, someone broke into our bakery and you are in mood to play snooker here?

Tae : sit over there if you don't wanna play.

Yn went near couch and sit on it while having drink.

"Hye miss can I sit here."
A tall and young man asked me with suspicious smile on his face.

Yn : sure, as you wish.

"Who are you with tonight?"

Yn : my husband, over there.

He looked at taehyung who was already looking at us while playing snooker.

"Well, i don't really mind that"

As he sees Taehyung walking by and he's all like, "I'm gonna get up and bump into him, just to be a total jerk." And, of course, Taehyung is not having it and gives him the death glare before walking over to Yn. Ugh, some people are just so annoying!

Yn : i didn't do anything?

Tae : i haven't said anything.

I looked back at taehyung and then him. When he said "uh can you remember me? My name joonwo, we meet in snooker club."

Yn : oh right.

Joonwo : we haven't meet from so long, I didn't thought we'll meet like this.
He smiled when taehyung walked near me and put his arm on my shoulder.

Yn : uh yes.

Joonwo : I'm thinking of going to the snooker club today. Would you like to go with me?

Tae : no.
He glared at him.

Joonwo : I heard you own a bakery shop here. I would to visit there. What's it's name?

Tae : it's Kim's bakery.

Joonwo : Kim's bakery okey. It's really hot today, can we go to the nearby cafe. They sell very nice cakes and coffee. It's on me, my treat.

Tae : it's okey, I know how to treat my wife.

Tae : it's okey, I know how to treat my wife

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Jk : aw sweet couple.
He laughed standing besides them.

Joonwo : It was nice meeting you today kim yn. I'll come to bakery for dessert. I'll go now.
He said and walked away when jungkook was still laughing on him. Me and taehyung looked at eachother and smiled before sitting back in car.

Me and jungkook was cutting the vegetables in kitchen when taehyung walked in.

Tae : you only meet that guy once and he talked like he know you from so long.

Jk : what kind of jealous guy we have around.
He said to himself slowly and laughed.

Tae : what are you both talking about?

Yn : are you jealous?
I smiled controlling my laugh.

Tae : you are good at taking your own side.

Yn : it's nothing bad about it.
I said with proud face.

Tae : it's not, but don't let it get over your head. Anyways give me the vegetables I'll wash them.

Yn : it's not, but don't let it get over your head? Does it mean I can take my own side but not too often, is that right?

Tae : make a guess.
He said while washing the veges.

Jk : he mean that don't make him jealous too often.

We both looked at eachother and started laughing.

Tae : Hye jungkook!!

Jk : what huh? I'm not scared of your glare.

Tae : yn.

Yn : hm.

Tae : cut the onions and tomatoes I'll...
As he was talking he suddenly felt dizzy and trapped on his own feet while he tighten his grip over his head as he was keep hearing things from hi past.

Yn : tae...tae..are you okey?

Jungkook : taehyung!!

To be countinue ____________

My Instagram :- ccupidd_z
(You can DM me if you have any story ideas or anything special you want me to write for my next ff.)

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