chapter one

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Time :- 7:00am

??? POV

I was sitting in office doing some paper work.
Someone came without permission.
I was about yell but I hear

??? - coups hyung, what are you doing.

It was Mingyu.

S.coups - mingyu-ah why didn't you tell me that you are visiting today.

Mingyu - why can't I visit you?

S.coups - of course you can visit whenever you want but you usually tell me before visiting so I was surprised.

Mingyu - sorry hyung, anyways I wanted to ask you that are you free in evening.

S.coups - no need to say sorry and i think I am free but let me check my schedule.

As I checked my schedule and it was free, i just have a meeting to attend.

S.coups - I only need to attend one meeting, But why are you asking?

Mingyu - nothing much just everyone planed to meet at my company (kim enterprise). So we thought if you are free you can also join us?

S.coups - sure, I will come. What time did you all decided to meet?

Mingyu - everyone will be there till 5:30pm I guess.

S.coups - ok, I should complete my work and I will be there before 6:00pm as I still have one meeting to attend.

Mingyu - bye hyung see you at company.

S.coups - bye.


Time :- 7:00am

??? POV

I was getting ready for office.
I wore a plain white shirt and black pants.

(His look)

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(His look)

When I was done with my hair.
I saw the time and it was 7:15am.
I went downstairs as i still have 45 minutes for breakfast and saw jeonghan in kitchen making breakfast for everyone.
I greeted him morning.

??? - Good morning hani hyung.

Jeonghan - Good morning Wonu-ya . Can you wake seungkwan and woozi.

Wonwoo - they are still sleeping?

Jeonghan - yeah I didn't wake them up. They were exhausted yesterday so I let them sleep a little more plus it's their day off.

Wonwoo - ohh ok I will go and wake them.

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