chapter four

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In Hoshi's room

No one's POV

Hoshi's bedroom 👆

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Hoshi's bedroom 👆

As soon as hoshi enter his room he locked the door and put woozi on the bed.

Hoshi - do you want to shower?

Woozi - no. ( grumpily)

Hoshi - then don't go anywhere or you will regret. I am going to take a shower.

Woozi nodded rolling his eyes.

Hoshi - don't roll your eyes sweetie or they might can out. (Smirking)

Saying this Hoshi went to his closet when he came back to take his phone he found woozi slowly unlocking.

Hoshi slowly went near him and whisper.

Hoshi- where are you going dear?
(He whisper in his ear)

Woozi flinched turn around.

Hoshi - you need a lesson don't you.

He pick woozi and went towards his bed.

Woozi - you put me down. ( in annoyed tone)

Hoshi - I give warning, didn't I.

Woozi - you bitch I said put me down.

Hoshi - dare to say that again and see consequences.( He said with a dark expressions)

Woozi - why what wi-

Hoshi had enough started to kiss him harshly. Woozi was trying to push him but he grab woozi's both hand and pin him against bed. Hoshi started to give him wet kisses on his neck and collar bone. He sucked his sensitive spot while woozi couldn't control and let out a moan. Hoshi was about to say something but he heard S.coups calling everyone.

Hoshi groaned and spoke

Hoshi - I will be back in 5 minutes.
(Said while kissing him again before leaving)

After few minutes Hoshi came and saw woozi wrapped in blanket trying to sleep .

Hoshi - I need to go baby.
I will come back late so sleep well and don't lock the door.
(He kissed his forehead and left)


In Mingyu's room

seventeen ff ( feat - Samuel)Where stories live. Discover now