chapter eleven

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Yooooo guys I'm recovering now, thanks for the wishes.

As I was hospitalized, I attended university yesterday after like 5 to 6 days.
guess what, one of the member of the famous gang proposed me.
I was like staring in his soul like 😐.
And I accepted it...... just joking of course I rejected him (with respect)(my parents are strict) .
Other girls were like ' gurrl why did you reject him' 'if I were you I would have accepted this golden chance'.
I was like 'I don't find him that attractive' and his fan girls attacked me for saying that, he had to stop them from coming near me. It was kinda funny.

Anyways back to the story


With Soonhoon

Hoshi's POV

I entered my room nervously cause I know he will kill me today.
I saw him sitting on the couch watching TV, I was slowly walk towards him when he noticed my presence he spoke
"come here soonie let's watch a movie" he said gesturing me to sit beside him.
I sat next to him, there was silence between us. he was fully focused on the movie.
I decided to break the silence "Baby" I spoke in soft and nervous tone "Hmm?" He responded diverting his attention towards me "baby you're not angry? Right " I asked
" No baby why would I be angry with you" he said before pecking my lips
" I am not angry with you cause I know you don't love her from the expression you give when she cling onto you" he looked so cute while explaining I pushed him on the couch, and throw my self on him, hugging him like a koala.

" soonie You are too heavy for me to handle get up" he complained but I started to tickle him.
"st~o~p" he managed to say while laughing hard.
I kissed him and change our position ( woozi is on top now), so I can cuddle with him "I was watching TV you are disturbing me" he sulk but I hug more tightly.


With Verkwan

Seungkwan's POV

That bitch tried to kiss sollie (vernon)  and he didn't even push her. Let him come i will his special treatment.
I entered the bathroom to take a quick shower. After 5 minutes I hear the bedroom door opening.

I quickly finish taking shower. I dried my body with a help of a towel, i wore my boxers and wrapped the towel around my waist. I took another towel to dry my hair before exiting. I came out of the bathroom and saw vernon sitting on the bed's edge.
He noticed my presence as he raised his head to look at me, but when he did he froze.


I entered my room finding no one there then hear sound of water was coming from bathroom.
I sat on bed and waited him.
After few minutes the door of the bathroom opened, as soon as I noticed his presence I raised my head up but froze at the site I saw.
Seungkwan only had a towel wrapped around his waist and drying his hairs with the other one.
I felt like i was turning on, I came back to realty and got up from bed. I started to walk near him "why did you took a shower without me" I asked him while pouting "well someone was busy hugging his so called girlfriend" he replied "Baby, you know I only love you, wait are you jealous?" I said smirking
"n-n-o w-ho sai-d I am jeal-ous" he said while looking away "Ohhh really I don't believe" I said whispering in his ear. "Shut up " he said hiding his red face with his hands "go away I have to change" he again spoke " then should I return to Sana?" I asked walking towards the door "NO STAY AWAY FROM THAT BITCH OR I WILL KILL YOU" he warned me.
I turned around and pinned him on the nearest wall "then should I spend my time with you" I said near his ear "w-what are you doing" he asked "spending my time with you" I again spoke near his ear before kissing him hungrily.

( PURE SMUT for my not so innocent readers)

No one's POV

While kissing vernon remove Seungkwan's towel leaving him in his boxers, and seungkwan unbuttoning vernon's shirt.

Vernon broke the kiss with heavy breaths, he then went down to neck and collar bone sucking it leaving dark pink/red marks " a~hh~hh n~on~nie",

vernon's hands travels to older's nipple he started to massage it, "a~hh i~t hu~rts" the other exclaimed while whimpering.
after enough hickeys vernon started to suck seungkwan's one nipple still massaging the other one.

After vernon was satisfied he removed his clothes left in boxers.
Seungkwan kneel down and pull younger's boxers down, he rubbed his hands on the youngers cock.
''ahh suck it" vernon exclaimed, seungkwan obeyed and he lick his dick. Vernon groans as seungkwan started to suck his dick "ahhh fuck~"  vernon moaned grabbing a fist full of older's hair and help him thrust deep. "Fuck I am close~~" Seungkwan bob his head fastly until he feel a thick substance in his mouth vernon kissed him making him swallow a bit of his own cum .
Vernon pick seungkwan by his waist and the older wrapped his legs around youngers torso,  throw him on the bed and hovers him.
"I love you" vernon spoke
" i love you too" seungkwan replied and kissed vernon hungrily.
Vernon put some lube on his y hand and fingers seungkwan loosening his hole. After three fingers for loosening him, vernon can finally get his dick inside him and mark him his.

ernon put protection/ condom on his dick and entered inside him.
"I~t h~u~rts" seungkwan whimpered. Vernon kissed him and spoke "it will turn into pleasure soon baby"
"can I move now" he asked and older nodded his head as yes, vernon thrust up and down Slowly.
" a~hh ve~rno~n" older moan softly
Vernon started to thrust faster and deeper.
"Ahh da~ddy! I am ab~out to cu~m" older said. After a few thrust he cum on their abdomen.
Vernon scoop some of his cum and swallow it. "I am close baby" vernon said and started to  thrust roughly "d~ad~dy"
After few thrust vernon cum.
Vernon clean himself and seungkwan before sleeping.


1116 words

That's it for today guys

Thank you guys for reading

Hope you like this chapter 
Sorry if I disappoint  you

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Byeee ❤️❤️
Love you all ❤️

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