Jeaolusy, Jealousy

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"What's wrong with him?" I questioned. Dally always walks with me home and now he left?

"I think someone is jellyyyyy!" Steve replied making sure to exaggerate the Y.

"No! Dally and Sylvia got back together a couple week ago right!?"

"Well.. when he walked in he had his ring and necklace back on. Means they broke up again." Soda pointed out.

"OR! Maybe it's the reason because I'm going out with a Soc." I shrugged trying to play it off. I did like Dally but at the time, I thought he had a girlfriend. I don't want to be the reason for cheating, and J.C seemed like a really good guy. My train of thoughts were ended by synchronous shouting.

"You're WHAT!?" the bestfriends shouted.

"UH UH! I AM NOT LETTING YOU GO OUT WITH A SOC! Imagine if Darry found out! You wouldn't ever leave the house!" Soda exclaimed with a chuckle at the final sentence.

"Isa remember what I told you? Socs are bad
Greasers, good. Simple math. A greaser going out with a soc is chaos!"

"Well what about Ponyboy! Huh? He told me that he's dating a soc..ummm. CHERRY VALANCE! How come he gets to date one and not me?"

Soda and Steve huddled for a bit and decided that it would be up to the big guys. Mainly Darry with the help of the rest of the gang. Since Dally left without me, I watched and waited for Pepsi and Cakeman to finish their shifts. We walked home , luckily with not trouble, and everyone was at the house either in the kitchen or living room. Pony and Johnny's face lit up when they saw me come home. Those 2 and I have become really close and grown very fond of each other. I sat down next to them, and I noticed that Dallas' eyes never trailed off of me. I could tell something was wrong, but I decided to push it.

"Hey Dal! How come you early?"

He shifted uncomfortablely in the chair before he responded. "Forogt something at Shepherd's and got it back."

"ok." I knew he was lying. Maybe it was thr fact that he didn't like me going out with a Soc. I know they all hate Socs, but Dal has a burning passion for it.

"Hey Dar-Bear!" I shouted.

Darry came in the room with a towel on his shoulders and his clothes slightly wet.

"What's up?"

"Sorry to stop you doing the dishes, but Steve, Soda, and I were having a debate. See this guy came into work today and asked me if I would like to go on a date. I said yes, but the bozos dont think its a good idea." I rambled and Dally groaned and it seemed like he hated this guy. Dal was just being a whiny baby so I tuned him out.

"Why whats wrong with the guy?" Darry asked.

"HES A SOC!" Steve and Cokeman shouted.

Darry's mood shifted and he instantly rejected this idea.

"Why can't I go!!! Pony's dating a soc and hes younger than me!" I pleaded.

"She has a point. Not all socs are bad." Pony helped me out.

"Okay lets take a vote. I wont participate but whoever thinks she should go on the date raise your hand" Darry answered.

Pony, Johnny, Two and I raised my hand. Dally, Steve and Soda stuck their hands to their sides. I counted and squealed!

"YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAY!" I jumped up from my seat and started running around the house. I ran into my room and started prepping ideas for my date tommorow.


Dallas Pov

I'm so stupid. Why did I ever get back with that bitch, Sylvia? I think I'm in love with Isabella. I mean she's caring, sweet, smart, and she really hot. I mean we went to the beach the other day, and she looked like a literal goddess in her bikini. I thought I could handle my emotions around her, but I kinda flipped out after I heard Steve and Soda ar the DX. I walked out of there, got some drinks, and headed to the Curtis'. I knew she would be a bit upset for not walking with her home, but she acted like she didnt give a fuck! Maybe just a little shout, just to show some emotion! Man, I'm wrapped around her finger.
I mean what did the J.C guy have that I don't? Probably money, but I know Isa isn't a gold digger. Maybe if I told her how I felt, then she wouldve been mine..

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