Chapter 2

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Everythinh was white.

And cold.

And... Empty...

Beautiful and glowing snow was all around me, hugging my numb body. I felt dizzy, and a bit to tired to get up. But I was going to freeze to death if I won't move, so I forced myself to stay on feet.

I remaind silent.

Weird trees with long branches were rippling along with the fierce wind. And there was... Nothingness.

I remembered Alyus,about my meeting with the king, and about my exile.But I had to be a sacrifice, and those were usually very loud celebrations. Maybe they wanted to do it silently, which means I'm not longer in  Nemerhun, but in Nemenya, the land of elves.The best fighters that lived on Earth, the cruelest and the most brutal beings.

I scanned the surroundings, trying to catch any noise or movement, but everything was silent.

I didn't know what to do,walk, try to escape or kill myself. Suicide, I

But with what?Even if I won't die thanks to the cold, I will die wounded by an elf.

I looked at my violet dress, the one I wore when I prepared. It was light, inappropriate for this weather. I controlled my trembling teeth and began walking, paying attention at everything.

What if my mom or dad would see me now? What if they would know about all the blood I spilled over the years, and the pain I carried? I wasn't a princess anyomore, I was just an assassin.

I sighed and I repressed my tears. I won't cry, not now.

Because I meet the Death once, and I smiled at her, and whispered in her ears that I coulnd't wait to finally meet her.

So she didn't take my soul.

It would have been better if she had.

Behind me, I heard whispers.But it was impossible-when I turned, there was nothing.

This time, those whispers were on my left, and again-nothing.

But then, the tree branches moved, and faster than I could ever realise, I saw human silhouettes running on the trees.Elves.

One of them had a bow and launched an arrow at me, but I dodged. Suddenly, another one flew to me, almost hitting my heart, but I caught it. I was trained to do this, and I swore I won't die without fighting.

If I was about to die, killed by these creatures, I will take some of them with me.

All of them-I counted 4-came down from the trees, and more of them appeared from shadows.


They were all wearing black clothes, and hoods were covering their face, but they were definitely males. Very tall and strong males.

One of them, obviously the stupidest, took a knife from his belt and charged at me. God, he was fast.

I managerd to avoid his first hit, and I hit him in the back with my leg,making him fall. I took his knife and pointed at his throat

"If you move, he dies!", I yelled at my attackers

One of them made a step forward and I pressed the knife harder, feeling blood pouring on my hand.

The elf took off his hood, and the others followed his example. Tall, strong and very handsome males, I corrected myself

" We would appreaciated if you wouldn't cut Zeeyrans' throat.", the man in front of me spoke

He was the most handsome and strongest of them, with blonde hair and emerald-like eyes.

I shoke my head.

"He tried to kill me, so no. He shot the arrow, and he deserves to die"

Zeeyran clenched his teeth, and I pressed harder.

"Put the knife down, and I swear no one will touch now",He promised

I released my prisoner, but I first make sure he had a deep cut on neck.

"I will keep the knife, just in case", I told him while smiling sweetly

Elves, right in front of me. They could kill me easily,and I prayed to Gods that they won't sense my fear.

"What are you doing here, miss--", The blonde man said. Clearly their leader.

"My name is not important to you. And for the reason why I'm here, it's because the king brought me as a sacrifice,though he didn't organised a parade as usual"

He laughed, and the others too.

"Well, miss, we will call you human until you decide to give us the  honour of knowing your name. But I will give you this honour about me. I am Aiden, the owner of this land. And about the king, he only brought us weak and pathetic humans,not one that can actually fight", He threw a glance at Zeeyran.

"Maybe you are dangerous, and important. That's why I will take you at my house,as a... guest"

Guest-definition:puppet, toy, dinner or exepriment

I swallowed dryly, and forced myself to smile.

"An honour, Aiden. But if your house is as silent as your friends, I think I will get bored"

"Don't worry, human. Our land can offer more fun than you think"

He waved his hand, and 2 of the guards approached me and lead me to a horse.

"As a human, you are to slow for us, so you will ride to the way home", one of them said

"And just in case", the other one said, while pulling off some thick chins, "we will tie you with this"

I got on my horse, now tied and conected with those chains by a handsome elf, I began riding.

The horse was faster than any other horse I knew, but the elves were too, running along with me, so I urged the horse to run faster and faster, until everything became unclear. I let a scream of joy out, for the first Time in 10 years, I stopped thinking at all the mysery from my life.

I felt... Alive.And now, not even the fact that I was about to become a guest in the house of an elf coulnd't make me sad. I just let the speed swallow me and tear my fear piece by piece.

A few minutes later, the pace slowed down, and I saw a big house in front of me. It had gardens, a pool and it was summer on it's territory.

My home... Until I will murder Aiden and everyone that is a threat to my life.

Or maybe... I could finally leave behind the humans world, and find peace here.

I smiled and close my eyes, feeling someone carrying me and laying me in a soft bed.

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