Chapter 3

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Blood.I sensed blood everywhere around me, and the smell was also on my clothes. I closed my eyes and ran, only to meet darkness, and a monster which controled it.

He looked like a demon, with completely black eyes and pale skin, and his mouth was red from blood.

"Come to me princess, let me taste your murders", He purred  sweetly

I ran again, heading to a wall, and the demon came to me like he had the all time in the world

"Can't escape your past, princess. Not now, not ever", his voice echoed trough my bones.

I coulnd't move, breath or speak, fear controling me like a puppeteer.

He came to me and touched my cheeks, almost like a lover.But I saw his claws, long, sharp and dark, like his hair. I whimpered at his metal touch.

"See you in hell, princess", He whispered softly.

I woke up suddenly, with sweating pouring from my hairline. A dream, it was a dream, nothing more.

As the moments passed by, I began remembering Aiden, and most importantly, where I was.

But I guess if they wanted to kill me, they would have untill now.

My room,I realized, it wasn't a prison cell, as I thought. It was a royal room, made from a silver material, and extravagant adornments. I managed to crawl out of bed and I ran my hand over the intricate recesses on the walls. Beautiful. This room was beautiful.

I stepped in the huge wardrobe my room owned,and watched myself in the mirror. As usual, my black wavy hair was perfect, but my eyes were blue now, not that weird mix of violet and blue. Also, my lips were pale, and so was my skin, but I still had curves. Even so, I kinda looked like a ghost,my eyes being wiped.

I sighed and abandoned the wardrobe-my favorite room so far-and I headed to the bathroom, because... I realised someone changed my clothes while I was asleep, and I  wasn't so happy about it. Also,I needed a bath.

The bathroom kept the same vibe of the room, the walls being made of the same silver material, and the huge marble statues seemed to follow me in the bathtub. Rude.

I started cleaning myself with the products I found there, all smelling beautiful, like vanilla, roses and marine breeze. I closed my eyes and let my muscles relax.

"Human?", a voice woke me up

Still dizzy, I tried to answear, but my voice was gone

"Human?", the voice asked again, this time a little bit louder

I gathered all my strength to make a little sound, and the door opened, only to reveal a middle-age woman.

She looked at me and at my naked body, but when she saw my face, she spoke a little bit gentle.

"I am Anais, your helper from now on. Master Aiden wanted to let you know that you have to take dinner with him tonight".

I noded and dragged a towel over my body. I knew what she had to do, as I spend my first 8 years in a palace, sorounded by servants like her. But she was somehow different... Strong and free, not scared like all the other maids I knew. I kinda liked that.

She led me to a chair and she started combing and drying my wet hair, with unhuman precision and gentleness. When she was done, she applied make-up, making my lips red and coloring my eyes with a pale shadow of brown.

"Honey, you really don't need make-up",Anais said to me

I smiled, not knowing what I was supposed to say. My enemy just made me a compliment. Well, maybe the legends weren't so true after all.

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