Chapter 5

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The stars twinkled on the endless black sky, and the moon was rulling them with her ethereal silver light. I felt the night breeze on my bare arms, but in that moment, it didn't matter.

I looked at the stunning woman who was standing in front of me, her posture relaxed, but still tensed, acquired from centuries and centuries on the battle field.

She was a queen, a godess, my mother, and it was the first time in  my life I saw her in  her pure form.

Her long, wavy hair was flowing in the  gentle breeze, her eyes shinier than any stars to exit. They were the color of loyalty and royalty:the purest shade of violet that any artist could think of.

She was life, the power of creation,her voice sung with the stars-my half sisters.

The Queen of the Skyes.

I bowed respectfully, my eyes looking at her with admiration.My mother.

"My daughter"

Her voice was perfect, like a spot of shadow in summer, like a moment of peace after the storm.

"Mother", I replied.

Her flowing turquoise silk Dress rippled in The wind as she came closer to me. She took my chin and I starred in her gorgeous eyes.

"I am sorry, my dear. I am sorry that this is the first Time you see me. I am sorry."

I shock my head. I loved her. I never saw her in 7 years, since I was born, but I love her.

"You came... You came to see me, and--and I understand why. Why you left dad, and why you left me"

Tears were gaining in my mom's eyes. I lift my head.

"Don't worry, mom, your daughter is a soldier. I will fight 'till the end for a better life. I will make you proud."

She began crying silently, but a smile made its way on her perfect face.

"I know Aleena, my beloved everything.I know. But... Life is never easy for the ones like you, people who carry both fire and water in their veins. You will be haunted, tortured, betrayed, but your heart will find a way to heal everyday. You carry chaos in your blood, and it's up to you to show it to the ones who deserve to die"

I smiled, being too blinded my youth to take what she said seriously.

She kissed my forehead like a blessing and whispered her final words to me:

"Look to the stars, my dear. Always. I will be there, watching and helping you. Don't give up."

And she disappeared.

I woke up feeling cold sweat on my back, partially being blinded by the summer light from outside.I forced myself to get up, as the memorie  from the last night came back to me as a hurricane. I got drunk.

After I entered in The palace, I looked for wherever his royal jerkness kept his wine,and after I found the place... Gods, I don't even remember how I got in my  room.

A knock on the door woke me up from my thoughts.I hope it's not Aiden.

"Come in!", I yelled

Anais entered, for my relief.

"Girl, what happened to you?", she asked

"Well, good morning to you too", I murmured as a response.

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