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I get distracted from the last hour of school. Not like it matters. It's only Spanish class, and we're watching Frozen in Spanish. Should I go to the dance? For the eighth grade, it's practically prom! Besides, I don't own any dresses, or have any money. I could borrow something of Riley's or Topanga's, except that I'm too short and scrawny. 

That's it! I'll just call Topanga! A year or two ago, we came up with code words for things.Since my mom's never around, and I don't have anyone else, Topanga is there for me. And this is definitely a code blue. Code blue is "Cinderella" so to speak. It's basically when there's a huge dance, and I have nothing to wear. BEEP BEEP BEEP!!! The end of school. Perfect. Now I only have to get ready for the dance.

I walk quickly to the subway and sit down. I pull out my phone and put in my ear buds. Then I text Topanga.

"Topanga. Code blue. Tonight at eight! Reply asap!!!" I say. It's not even thirty seconds later that she replies.

"Where are you?" She asks. 

"On the subway." I say. A second later, I get a call from her. 


"Maya, I need to know all the details of the dance."

"It's at the school tonight from 8 till 10. It's a masquerade... basically eighth grade prom. Farkle, Lucas,and I made a deal that we wouldn't tell each other if we are going, what we're wearing, anything! And just oone tiny problem......I think I like Lucas." I say.

"Okay then. Get off at our stop. And call me when you get to our house." She says. I nod as the subway stops right at Riley's stop. Perfect.

"Okay. Talk to you in a minute. Bye." I say, hanging up. 

I run to Riley's house, and use the stairway up to her window. I slide it open and climb through.Pulling the window closed again, I call Topanga again. 

"That was quick."

"Thanks. I try. So what do I do now?" I ask. My energy is high, like I'm on a secret mission.

"Go into my room. In my dresser, in the top right corner there should be a music box open it and take out the envelope labeled code blue. Everything else you need to know should be in there. Good luck, and have so much fun at the dance Maya!" She says. Then she hangs up. I run to her room and follow her instructions. As I open the code blue envelope, there's a debit card, and a note.

"Riley or Maya. First things first. Use the card to buy yourself a dress. Go to the store on 36 avenue called Bliss, and ask for Cindy. Tell her code blue. She will help you with your dress, shoes, and accessories. Once finished with that, call this number. The woman who answers is named Jamie. Tell her Topanga Matthews sent you and tell her code blue Maya Hart or Riley Matthews. She will help you with your hair and makeup. I love you both so much! Good luck my wonderful girls!"

I read the note quickly and put the card and note back inside the envelope. I shove it into my backpack and climb back through the window and run to the subway. When I finally get to 36 avenue, I see the store, Bliss. It's extremely fine looking. Expensive. But this is where Topanga wants me to go. 

I walk inside and go to the cash register. "Hi, how can I help you today miss?" The lady asks. "Um I'm looking for a Cindy." I say. The cashier laughs. "Well you found her. What can I do for you?" She smiles. Her hair is red and curly. She has tons of freckles and hazel eyes. "Topanga Matthews sent me. I'm Maya Hart, code blue." I say. Her eyes widen and she nods her head. Yes right this way miss. She says commuting out from behind the counter. I follow her to the back of the room. "Topanga said she wants you in something unique. Something pink, blue, silver, or purple. Now that I finally know you, I can tell for sure. But first I need you to promise me something. I need you to not say anything until I tell you. Okay?" I nod. 

"Okay! Go in the dressing room and put this on!" She exclaims, handing me a dress. It's light pink, with silver lace up to the neck, and down the arms. The middle has a beautiful sparkly silver twisted jewels. The back is open till the jewels. In front it's twisted into a sweetheart neckline from the middle up. From the middle down its straight, yet has a slight wave to it. Beautiful. When I try it on, it fits perfectly. When I twirl, it flows just right. Perfect. 

I come out of the dressing room and Cindy is speechless. "Maya! You look gorgeous!" She says as I twirl around. "Ooh! Here! Put these on!" She hands me a pair of sparkly silver wedges. They make me almost four inches taller! "Cindy! I don't know what to say....I love it!" I say. "Thank you so much!" I go to give her a hug, but she holds me back. "Hang on Maya. Now we need to accessorize!" She says. She pulls my hand towards the jewlery isle. She holds up a set of silver bracelets. "Put these on." She hands them to me, and finds a pair of sparkly earings. "And these." I do as she says, and then look at her. "Perfect! She exclaims! I'll ring these up while you change back into your clothes!" I hand her the accessories, then change back into my clothes. 

I walk out of the store, my arms already full with the shopping bags. It surprised me that I liked the pink. To be completely honest...I LOVED IT!!! As I walk, I pull out the card again. As I dial the number, Jamie answers.

 "Hello this is Jamie, how can I help you?" A sweet voice says.

 "Hi Jamie, this is Maya Hart, code blue. Topanga Matthews told me to call you."

 "Oh right! Please come through the back door of Michelle's Beauty salon on 36 avenue. See you then." She hangs up. I walk quickly to the salon and go through the back door. "Ah Maya!" Says a woman. She has silky brown hair and eyes. "I'm Jamie. Come with me." She says.

She leads me to a room with a pearly white bath tub, a sink, and a doctor's bed. "So first, I'm going to need you to shower quickly so when you're done, I can wax all of your body hair, and do your brows, then you're going to get a mud bath while I wash your hair and do your nails, and finally you're going to get a massage and then get dressed and I'll do your hair and makeup. Okay?" I nod. "Great! Bathe quickly and when you get done, there's a robe over there.

She leaves and I do as she says, making myself smell wonderful with the soap. As I finish, I wrap myself in the fluffy white robe. Jamie comes back in with hot wax and strips in her hands. "Lay down." She tells me pointing to the bed. I do as she says, and endure the pain as she waxes me. When she's done, I get in the mud bath while she scrubs my hair and conditions it with lovely smelling shampoo. It's like lavender, and vanilla. Then she does gel nails on my fingers. They're the same color pink as my dress, with an accent silver on my ring finger. Its also the same color as my shoes.

I rinse off the mud and lay back down while my hair air dries and she massages me. It feels wonderful! When I'm finally totally relaxed, Jamie leaves me alone to get dressed. Soon as I finish, she does my hair. It's curly in spiral ringlets, the front sides are twisted back and pinned with a sparkly silver clip. My makeup is a smokey eye and wing, with a slight blush, and soft pink lips and strawberry lipgloss.

Suddenly, my phone goes off. It's Topanga. 

"Maya, are you still at the salon?"

"Yeah  why?"

"Okay, good! I have a limo there to pick you up. It should be there about now. Have so much fun! It will be back at ten on the dot. If you miss it, it won't be back. Have so much fun! Bye!"

Honk Honk! "Well thats your ride!" Says Jamie as she sprays my hair with hairspray, reapplies my gloss, and spritzes me with perfume. She takes one final look at me and says, "Good luck Maya, and have tons of fun! You look absolutely gorgeous!"

She calls out to me as I climb inside the limo. Finally , my life might have this one magical night.

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