𝟮𝟴 𝗽𝗿𝗼𝗯𝗹𝗲𝗺

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they reached the closest they could for the hollywood sign after taking some pictures with fans. they took a few pictures, some together and some solo, then rested. they both forgot they were supposed to hate each other again through out this 'date'.

now they're eating at some local mexican restaurant. he's munching on some chips and guac while she's on the phone with her agent. her agent was telling her news on how baz luhrman was interested in casting her for a new romeo and juliet.

she got off the phone and let her jaw drop to the floor. she couldn't believe some that high in the industry was interested in her for such an iconic play. she knew always played her in theatre arts in high school for a reason.

"what?" jacob asked.

"baz fucking luhrman wants me to play juliet in romeo and juliet."

his eyes lit up and he immediately started congratulating her genuinely, only making her tear up a bit. she laughed softly as she wiped the tears that were starting to stream down her face and he watched with the goofiest grin.

he took her hand across the table and caressed, "you really deserve this, you're such an amazing actress."

she couldn't believe this behavior from him, honestly. he was being really lovey dovey and shit. she knows this how he acted with chandler like 48 hours ago.

thoughts started to swarm her head and she couldn't help but think about how he couldn't not be with a girl. how he couldn't bare being alone. she knew if she didn't get out of this cycle of letting him back in, it would never end.

she pulled her hand back and smiled awkwardly. he looked confused but got off whenever the waiter came with their food. he placed the food in front of them. she gulped before going to bite into her tacos.

she noticed the look on his face and spoke, "i just want to be friends, jacob. but i appreciate you, i really do."

he laughed dryly and shook his head, "no, i totally get it. my text was just nothing then."

she frowned at that, "no don't say that-"

"so what? what do you want from me, stella. i do all this shit just for you so why don't you like me back?!"

"what?" she says, taken aback, "why does everytime we hang out there has be some argument or something?! can i just eat my fucking nachos and go home and sleep in my fucking bed, not your couch, my bed!"

she spoke a bit too loud and now everyone around her was staring. she smiled awkwardly at them, waving, and shook her head, "jacob. i'm sorry, but you lost me a long time ago."

"stella, please don't say that." he croaked.

she felt a pit in her stomach as she watched his distraught face. she stood up, "come on, i don't want to talk here." she dropped a twenty on the table.

he followed her out to his car and they got in. she sat in the passenger seat and propped her leg up to her chest. she turned to him and he was already watching her. he had the same expression on his face as before.

"jacob. i love all the times we have, i really do. today has been really fun and i needed this because all madi and laney like to do it club. it's just i know your history. i know how you like to fuck girls and leave them the next day. i literally just watched it happen these past two weeks."

"i don't do that with you, though. i stay with you. i always come back to you."

"i know. that's the problem."

𝐎𝐍 𝐒𝐂𝐑𝐄𝐄𝐍, jacob elordiWhere stories live. Discover now