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[Y]ou were always the odd one out, a side character in the grand narrative of life.

Just there to fill the gaps, with no real significance or purpose.

That's what they told you, and you believed it, internalizing the role they assigned you since birth.

But then you met him, and everything changed. Suddenly, your world tilted on its axis, and you found yourself ensnared in the tangled web of unrequited love.

What did you expect? After all, you were just the side character, destined to fade into obscurity.

In a world devoid of knights in shining armor, you faced your hardships alone.

No miraculous interventions, no second chances. You weren't meant to be the hero of your own story, just a supporting player in someone else's narrative, doomed to meet a premature end like so many before you.

Like countless others, you found yourself drawn to him, captivated by his allure like a moth to a flame. But just as he was the embodiment of light, you remained shrouded in darkness—a mere shadow in his radiant presence.

You were never meant for each other, destined to exist on opposite ends of the spectrum.

Accepting this grim reality wasn't a choice you made willingly; it was ingrained in you from the start.

You were taught to know your place, to accept your role as a side character without question.


Thud. Thud. Thud.

Another blow landed on your cheek, the sting barely registering as your expression remained stoic.

"Why, you worthless piece of trash," the man, his face distorted by age and alcohol, spat venomously. His hand raised again, ready to strike.

"You had one job," he continued, his voice slurred with anger. "Where's the money?"

You remained silent, accustomed to the routine of abuse and insults hurled your way.

The money he demanded was yours, hard-earned from multiple jobs to pay for your university fees. All you wanted was to finish your degree in the languages studies specialized discipline so you could become a teacher and possibly escape this life of misery.

You were tired, worn down, and if anyone were to observe closely, they would see the emptiness in your eyes.

Dead. That's how you felt inside and out.

The man's tirade continued, but you barely registered the words anymore. They were just echoes of the past, fading into the background of your numbed existence.

"Answer me, you whore!" His outburst snapped you out of your momentary daze.

"I already gave them all to you," you replied calmly, your voice lacking any hint of emotion as you met his gaze with a cold stare.

Another slap landed on your face, but the pain was numbed by years of enduring his abuse. You barely flinched, unfazed by the physical assault.

"Don't you dare look at me with those creepy eyes," he snarled, his voice filled with disgust. You obediently lowered your gaze to the filthy floor, avoiding his gaze.

The surroundings reflected the neglect you had endured since taking on three jobs to support yourself. The place hadn't seen a proper cleaning in ages.

"Don't think you can fool me, Y/N," he growled, grabbing an empty liquor bottle and hurling it in your direction.

You made no attempt to dodge, resigned to whatever minor injuries might result.

Soon, you would be free from this hellhole, living in the safety of the dorms away from his torment.

He was nothing more than a pathetic excuse for an uncle, a man who had subjected you to relentless physical abuse ever since your engagement had fallen apart.

Luckily, today, the bottle of liquor narrowly missed you by a hair's breadth, crashing into the wall beside you instead of colliding with your face.

Still, you didn't flinch, keeping your gaze fixed emptily on the floor.

"I've handed all of them to you," you insisted flatly, your voice devoid of emotion.

Unable to discern any deception in your words, he sank back onto the couch, his usual spot. His left heel propped up on the edge, one arm resting on his knee.

"Then go make some," he spat out, grabbing another half-filled bottle to take a swig. "Because if you can't, I'll sell you! To some rich old man. I bet your face could fetch some good money."

You cringed inwardly at his words, but deep down, you knew this was your fate.

If selling yourself was to be the outcome of your life, then so be it. Resigned to your supposed worthlessness.

"Yes, I understand," you replied flatly, your voice barely above a whisper as you gathered your belongings from the dirty floor.

Adjusting your locks to conceal the bruise left by his latest assault, you tried to mask the evidence of his cruelty.

As you made your way to the door, his bitter insults followed you like a haunting echo. "Ungrateful bitch. Should've died with her parents. She can never pay me back for saving her life."

Same old. Same old. You repeated the words in your mind, a mantra of resignation that echoed the emptiness in your heart.

What use was such a life when you were living in conditions worse than those of stray dogs?

You glanced down at your watch.

It was five in the morning, and you had just fifteen minutes to make it to your first job at the bakery around the corner. Despite the meager pay compared to other options, you had chosen the bakery for a reason—it reminded you of someone, someone who you tried desperately to forget.

With a shake of your head, you pushed aside the memories threatening to resurface.

There was no room for sentimentality in your harsh reality. As you slipped on your shoes and closed the door behind you, you vowed to focus on survival only.

Nothing more. Nothing less. Until death or something even worse catches up with you.

Strolling towards the main streets, you heard the brisk sound of a metal can rolling onto the gritty ground.

Your steps faltered, and you glanced back into the darkness of the alleyway, a frown creasing your brow.

There was nothing there. Just eerie silence.

Yet you had that odd feeling of being watched by someone or something.

Just as you were about to dismiss it as mere paranoia, the sound of the can rolling again made you pause again. Something brushed against your worn-out shoes before retreating, leaving you on edge.

You squinted into the darkness, trying to pierce through the shadows and discern any lurking figures. But the alley remained shrouded in obscurity, revealing nothing.

Probably a stray cat looking for food among the trash.

With a dismissive sigh, you continued your walk, pushing aside the unease gnawing at the back of your mind.

Unbeknownst to you, a pair of inky, creepy black eyes watched your every move from the depths of the alleyway. Its mouth gaping as large as it could, but no sound escaped from its lips, sewn with dark inky threads.

Its skin was an ashy grey, blending seamlessly into the darkness around it.

You hadn't seen it, the creature that lurked within the shadows, fixated on you with some kind of twisted interest.