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"So far, our only lead is your eyes," Nanami sighed in exasperation, sinking back into his chair with a weary expression, his neck resting against the backrest.

Working overtime was never his favorite, especially when it meant teaming up with none other than Satoru Gojo himself. The man had a knack for creating chaos that Nanami often had to clean up.

"Yup," Satoru chirped nonchalantly, taking another sip of his drink. "Can't help it if my eyes are tied to the Star Plasma Vessel."

"Convenient excuse," Nanami muttered, closing his eyes briefly, as if seeking a moment of respite from the chaos.

"Why don't we just get Mei Mei to do some digging on her?"

Nanami lifted his head from its resting position, shooting Satoru a quizzical frown. "Good insight. What was her name again?"

"Y/N," Satoru replied, his tone tinged with an unusual depth. "That's her name."

His voice carried a mix of nostalgia and something more elusive—sadness, guilt, perhaps even regret. Something that even the blonde struggled to decipher which one exactly.

Nanami eyed his companion curiously before asking, "Is everything alright?"

Satoru simply shrugged, a nonchalant expression masking any hint of emotion. He offered no explanation, leaving Nanami to wonder what was truly going on with him.

"Speaking of which," the black-haired began, "we've got that case to take care of later."

Nanami sighed wearily at the reminder, already feeling drained at the mere thought of it. "Right," he muttered, his exhaustion palpable. "Let's just get it over with."

Lately, the higher-ups had been piling on a bit too much for him to handle, and with Gojo thrown into the mix, it only made things worse.

He was on the verge of speaking up, perhaps to instruct his mission partner to stay put and let him take charge, when suddenly, the cafeteria door burst open with a brisk chime, signaling the arrival of a middle-aged man.

Nanami and Gojo, momentarily distracted, shifted their focus to the newcomer.

"Ah, Y/N, you're a real lifesaver," the man paused, his gaze fixing on you before he warmly greeted you as he made his way to the counter.

Both men at the nearby table exchanged glances, somehow eavesdropping on the interaction unfolding between you and the middle-aged man.

Your response was polite but guarded, body stiff as you assured him, "No problem, everything is under control."

An undeniable tension hung in the air, catching even Gojo's attention.

Meanwhile, the middle-aged man efficiently shed his coat and prepared to take over your duties behind the counter.

With a seemingly innocent gesture, his eyes hinted at something more as they trailed over your figure before he reached out to adjust your apron, his touch lingering just a moment too long. You tensed visibly, a discomfort evident in your demeanor as you subtly edged away from his grasp.

Nanami's jaw clenched, a subtle tick betraying his growing unease.

Beside him, Satoru's smirk twisted into a complicated expression, his usually relaxed demeanor now tinged with an unsettling edge. It was as if something primal within him was stirring, an instinctual response to protect and defend.

"You know, Y/N, you ain't exactly winning any beauty contests," the middle-aged man quipped, his tone laced with arrogance.

His words prompted you to narrow your eyes, a silent warning simmering beneath your gaze.