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[H]eavy breathing cut through the eerie stillness like the aftermath of a storm.

It sounded as though he had just completed a grueling marathon, struggling to rein in his emotions until they finally broke free.

A moment passed as he straightened himself, his hand raking through his messy spikes, exhaling a deep sigh. "Nanami's not going to like this."

His muttered words jolted you with sudden realization. But at that exact moment, your luck betrayed you.

The flimsy plastic backing beside your leg gave way with a loud rip, sending bottles and chicken crashing to the ground in a chorus of shattering glass.

"Who's there?" His voice rang out sharply.

Your eyes widened, and instinct overrode thought.

Before your mind could fully grasped the danger, your legs sprang into action, propelling you into a swift sprint away from the looming threat behind you.

Adrenaline surged through your veins as you raced to create as much distance as possible between yourself and the mysterious figure, driven by a primal instinct to escape before he closed in.

Gasping for breath, you veered into the unfamiliar alleyway, the stench of decay assaulting your senses.

The dim, flickering light barely illuminated the piles of garbage and discarded debris that cluttered the narrow path. Heart pounding, you pressed yourself against the damp brick wall, trying to silence your heavy breathing.

The footsteps of your pursuer echoed ominously from the main street, growing louder with each passing second. As you strained to stay hidden, your mind raced back to the horrifying scene you had witnessed moments ago—the lifeless form of your uncle, Genji L/N, lying in a pool of blood.

You cursed your luck, feeling a prickling sensation in your eyes.

Tears? You blinked, somewhat surprised by the sudden blur in your vision.

It had been ages since you'd cried, and you couldn't quite pinpoint why tears were welling up now.

"Are you planning to hide forever?" The familiar voice echoed, accompanied by the growing sound of footsteps drawing nearer.

Without thinking, you darted deeper into the foul-smelling alley, navigating past rotting crates and discarded furniture.

The way ahead seemed endless, twisting and turning like a maze.

Suddenly, you stumbled upon a rusted fire escape ladder. With a surge of hope, you scaled it, your hands and feet finding precarious holds in the darkness.

At the top, you huddled against the cold brick of the building, heart pounding in your ears. Peering down cautiously, you saw the shadowy figure enter the alleyway below. His silhouette was menacing against the distant glow of the streetlights.

You held your breath, praying he wouldn't look up. Seconds felt like hours as you waited, muscles tense with anticipation.

"Huh?" His voice echoed with a touch of bemusement as he scanned the grungy alleyway with his sharp, shaded gaze. "Not here either," he mused to himself, before casually deciding to move on.

Eventually, the footsteps faded away, swallowed by the night.

With a trembling sigh of relief, you lowered yourself from the fire escape and resumed your flight through the labyrinth of alleyways.

Each turn seemed to take you deeper into the bowels of the city, far from the safety of your familiar haunts. But you had no choice. The urgency of survival propelled you forward, through filth and darkness.

You emerged into another deserted alleyway, leaning your back against a wall, and feeling the burn in your lungs, a sign that you now had to catch your breath.

The darkness above seemed unusually thick, blocking out even the faintest glimmer of stars.

"What the hell was that?" you muttered, your voice barely a whisper in the oppressive silence.

Fear gnawed at you as you scanned the shadowy corners, half-expecting the mysterious figure to materialize out of the darkness once more.

As your breathing steadied, you peeled yourself away from the wall, hoping to escape this unfamiliar, veiled area.

You knew you had stumbled into something dangerous—something deeply connected to your clan's massacre.

With cautious steps, you edged toward the alley's mouth, yearning for the familiar glow of streetlights and the safety of crowded streets. Every sound magnified in the eerie quiet, making your nerves jangle.

A sudden shuffling noise reverberated from behind a heap of discarded crates, causing your heart to leap into your throat.

Frozen in place, you turned slowly, eyes widening as you stared into the impenetrable darkness of the alleyway.

Amidst the blackness, a presence loomed—a silhouette barely discernible against the shadows, pallid, gooey form with unnaturally long hair, its mouth crudely sewn shut with thick threads.

Fear gripped your innards as you instinctively began to step backward, edging towards the faint glow of light at the alley's exit.

The maze of clutter seemed to close in around you, intensifying the thunderous pounding of your heart. With each step you took backward, the silhouette loomed closer, its ominous shape becoming more defined and menacing.

A chilling thought echoed in your mind: this had to be a nightmare.

As a sliver of light brushed against your back, your eyes widened in terror. The ghastly silhouette advanced swiftly, closing the distance with unsettling speed.

With a sudden, nightmarish shriek, the figure's sewn lips parted, unleashing a piercing, otherworldly scream that reverberated through your skull. Glass shattered around you, and you clutched your ears in agony, desperate to block out the haunting sound.

"What the fuck is that?" you muttered, your voice drowned out by the creature's unearthly cry.

Your mind raced, grappling with disbelief and terror as the creature advanced closer, its malevolent presence suffocating.

Instinctively, you took a step back, jolting when your back brushed against something warm yet rock-hard.

"Boo," a voice breathed into your right ear, sending a shiver down your spine and causing your hairs to stand on end.

Reluctantly, and with trembling uncertainty, you gave the person a side glance over your shoulder, feeling your breath hitch at the sight of Sato—his playful demeanor contrasting sharply with the dread pooling in your gut.

"Now now, what do we have here? Looks like you've stumbled onto something interesting."

His voice carried a playful tone, accompanied by a blindingly handsome grin that revealed pearl-white teeth. Despite his charming facade, fear gripped you deeply.

This was the very person who had murdered your uncle. There was no telling what he was capable of doing to you.

You wished you could retreat, but the alleyway held something far worse in store.

"W-what d-do—"

"Looks like we've got some unwanted company." He leaned in close, a smirk playing on his lips, his breath sending a shiver down your spine—both thrilling and unnerving. With a casual gesture, he pointed towards the approaching creature, crawling menacingly with taloned hands poised to strike. "Stay close, sweetheart. I've got this under control."

As the creature lunged, you instinctively stepped back until your back pressed against his firm frame. In a protective move, he wrapped an arm around you, shielding you from the impending danger, your face nestled in the crook of his arm.

Peeking through his embrace, you watched with a hint of astonishment as the creature's attack was repelled by an unseen force, causing its limb to recoil violently.

The impact echoed through the air, an invisible-like barrier sparing you both from harm.