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"Y/N, you're late," the old lady reminded you gently, her weathered face adorned with a warm smile.

Strict punctuality was the norm among the bakery's staffs, you, on the other hand, held a special place in the owner's heart. Your unspoken daily struggles weren't left unnoticed by the wise elderly woman either. So, she almost never scolded you for being late.

"Apologies, Tanaka-San. I'll make sure to be on time tomorrow," you responded with a respectful bow, your tone carrying a hint of fatigue.

"Don't sweat it. Just focus on those fruit cream puffs; everyone loves them," the old lady replied, waving off your apology.

"Thanks, I'll get right to it," you nodded, appreciating the relaxed vibe of the cozy bakery.

It was a local favorite, thanks to Tanaka-San's warmth and your inventive treats.

Your recipe wasn't anything too fancy – just swapping out the usual custard or chocolate filling for fresh cream and fruit cubes, or cream cheese and fruit cubes. But it seemed to be a hit, drawing in more customers lately.

You shrugged off your hoodie and slipped on an apron, scrubbing your hands clean before donning gloves.

Thankfully, you'd prepped a batch of fresh cream and cream cheese batter the night before.

With trays in the oven and fruit cubes prepped, today's cream puffs would be bursting with a mix of berries – blueberries, raspberries, and strawberries – folded into the creams before piping into the puffs.

You caught snippets of a nearby hushed conversation from the staffs, "How come she always gets away with being late?"

Their tone wasn't exactly subtle, but you pretended not to hear.

You figured they were gossiping about you, speaking just loud enough for you to catch on. But hey, it wasn't anything new.

"Must be nice being the boss's pet," someone else muttered.

You let it roll off your shoulders, focusing on the task at hand, unfazed by the usual drama.

The familiar ding of the oven sounded, signaling your puffs were ready. You deftly moved to fetch the trays.

"Look at her go. Such a piece of work," another staff member muttered as you slipped on a pair of oven gloves to retrieve the baked trays one by one.

Your puffs emerged from the oven with a perfect golden hue, exactly how you liked them.

It was a shame you didn't have your own oven or the funds to buy ingredients, rendering baking at home impossible, if you could even call it that.

Back at your station, you let the puffs cool while filling piping bags with your prepared creams, ready to start piping.

"Come on, that's a bit harsh. She's pretty skilled at what she does," someone else chimed in.

"Don't stick up for her, Ayaka," retorted another staff member.

As the others bickered amongst themselves, you released a sigh, preparing to move the freshly baked cream puffs to the front display.

Stepping out from the back of the bakery, you were greeted by a bustling scene. Customers had already started to fill in, despite the early hour indicated by the clock on the wall—7:30 am. Time seemed to have flown by unnoticed in the flurry of activity.

Tanaka-San, the old lady, spotted you and beckoned you over. "Ah, Y/N, could you please help with serving the customers, dear?"

"Sure thing, Tanaka-San," you replied with a nod, already sliding into your role behind the counter.