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[T]he clock struck three in the afternoon, marking the beginning of your shift at the local coffee shop.

You fell into the familiar routine, seamlessly taking orders and expertly crafting each cup of coffee to perfection.

A confident figure approached the counter, his presence commanding attention and causing whispers and giggles to ripple through the nearby tables.

You'd barely glanced up as he placed his order—a mouthful of a drink that sounded more like a secret code than a coffee order.

"I'll take a triple shot, half-caf, no foam, extra hot caramel macchiato with a sprinkle of cinnamon," he said, like he was reciting his morning mantra.

His voice was smooth, no hint of hesitation. At all.

Producing a small nod in response, you mentally jotted down his elaborate order, and was about to announce the total when he handed you a sleek black card across the counter – the second one you'd seen today.

Before you could dwell on it, a familiar voice sliced through the café's chatter. "Hey, you're that bakery lady, aren't you?"

The question immediately made you look up, greeted by the sight of the same black-haired man from earlier at the bakery. His presence sent a jolt of recognition down your spine, but you maintained your composure, keeping your expression neutral and schooled.

"Hello," came your reply, devoid of warmth as you efficiently processed his order, sliding the receipt and card across the counter to him.

You took care to maintain a professional distance, mindful of the unwelcome familiarity he had shown earlier at the bakery.

His brows rose, leaning in with a smirk tugging at his lips. "Starting to think I've got a stalker now," he teased, his voice oozing with a confidence bordering on arrogance.

Your gaze settled onto his shaded one, and for the first time since meeting him, you were able to make proper eye contact and see his facial features clearly.

Normally, you tended to avoid eye contact, not out of introversion, lack of confidence, or social anxiety, but because people often found your stare intimidating.

There was something about it—dead, cold, eerie—that tended to unsettle others.

But contrary to the norm, this guy seemed unfazed. And dear god, did you regret staring.

He was... breathtaking. Handsome even, in a strange, godly type of way.

So much so that it made you wonder if he was even human.

Maintaining your cold disposition, you remained unimpressed by his banter. "Sure thing," you replied curtly, turning to prepare his order without another word.

Getting to work, a sense of unease settled in the pit of your stomach, but you pushed it aside, focusing on the task at hand. Once his drink was ready, you slid it across the counter to him, your expression unchanged.

He took it with a grin, his face contorted in amusement. "Thanks, bakery lady," he teased, taking a sip of his drink. "Hmm, sweet, just how I like it."

You offered no response, your frown deepening into one of disgust and repulsion at his cheesy words.

Flirting? Seriously?

Ignoring him, you decided to turn to the next customer, and there went your luck – it was the same blonde man from before.

He too, a breathtaking work of art, a masterful piece from god himself.

Who were these guys? Were they even human?