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"Not so tough now, are we?" he taunted, his voice laced with cocky confidence.

The creature, its features contorted with rage, hissed in response.

It lunged again, this time with increased ferocity. But once more, an invisible shield repelled its assault, sending the creature stumbling backward.

The entire situation felt like a living nightmare, surreal and terrifying. Yet deep down, you understood the reality of it all.

You glanced up at the black-haired man, unsure what to make of the situation unfolding around you. "What is that thing?" you managed to utter, your voice barely audible over the creature's enraged shrieks.

Satoru's expression remained composed, though you detected a hint of underlying intensity in his dark gaze.

"A cursed spirit," he replied cryptically after a moment. "But don't worry. As long as you're with me, you're safe."

The irony of his assurance, though.

He was the same man who had taken the life of one of your remaining clan members. And he wanted you to believe he would protect you?

His words couldn't shake the unease gnawing at your insides. The alleyway felt suffocating, the shadows twisting with malevolent intent.

Sensing your discomfort, Satoru glanced around with a calculating look. "Come on," he said abruptly, releasing his grip on you and raising his hands in a gesture of surrender. "I'm not here to harm you, bakery lady."

You eyed him suspiciously, keeping a wary distance between the both of you.

Behind you, the 'cursed spirit' continued to ram itself against the invisible barrier. Possibly trying to get to you.

The black-haired man hadn't shown any signs of aggression towards you yet and you suspected he wouldn't hesitate once the threat behind you was resolved.

"Wait here, okay? I'll take care of that thing and be back in a minute," he informed you casually, as if reading your thoughts.

A surge of relief seemed to wash over you, almost causing you to audibly sigh.

This was your chance. To slip away unnoticed and escape.

"Curse Technique Reversal, Red," Satoru chanted, turning away from you.

A crimson sphere crackled to life at the tip of his finger, and you seized the moment to make your escape. You backpedaled cautiously at first, then broke into a sprint.

He caught on quickly, glancing over his shoulder with piercing blue eyes that seemed almost unreal.

"Hey, where do you think you're going, babe?" His voice trailed after you like a playful melody, teasingly.

Ignoring the flirtation, your steps faltered momentarily as you glimpsed those captivating eyes before refocusing on evading the imminent danger.

Heart pounding, you darted through the cluttered alleyway, swiftly maneuvering around obstacles and discarded items.

Behind you, a blinding red light exploded with a deafening roar. Shielding your ears, you kept running, trying to put as much distance as possible between yourself, the enigmatic black-haired man, and the malevolent curse.


You lost track of time as you ran, the streets blurring past in a frantic haze until you stumbled onto the road, narrowly avoiding being hit by a screeching car that halted just in time.

Your lungs burned, your throat was dry, and each breath came out in desperate pants.

"Hey? Are you crazy or something? Trying to get yourself killed?" The driver's scolding voice cut through the chaos, snapping you back to reality.

You found yourself in a crowded area, with curious onlookers eyeing you like a bizarre spectacle.

Straightening up, you realized you must have appeared completely unhinged—disheveled and gasping for air in the middle of the street.

"I... I'm sorry," you managed to wheeze out, stepping back to gather yourself.

The driver rolled their eyes and sped away, leaving you feeling utterly out of place amidst the gathering crowd.

Surrounded by curious murmurs and sidelong glances, you became keenly aware of how conspicuous you must have seemed.

Despite the eerie veil at the center of the area, the bystanders appeared oblivious, their attention solely fixated on you with wary gazes.

Suddenly, a hand grasped your arm, causing you to startle as if burnt.

"Hey, are you okay?" asked a young woman with raven-black hair and a sweet smile.

She seemed slightly younger than you and was accompanied by another woman carrying grocery bags. The second woman was dressed in an unusual maid-like uniform, indicating they were probably affluent.

"I... uh, yeah," you stammered, trying to compose yourself. "J-Just...a... a moment..."

The raven-haired woman exchanged a concerned look with her companion before returning her attention to you.

"Are you sure? You look like you've seen a ghost," she said gently.

You blinked at her, feeling a mix of relief and discomfort under their scrutiny.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just... needed a breather," you replied, trying to appear calm despite your racing thoughts and the lingering sense of danger from the strange veil.

The raven-haired lady nodded understandingly, her gaze drifting to the bruises peeking through your unkempt bangs and underneath the sleeves of your oversized hoodie.

"I don't mean to pry, but..." she hesitated, her expression thoughtful. "Would you like us to assist you? You seem like you could use a hand."

Beside her, the maid, seemed to share the same concern as she nodded in agreement.

"I... well... o-okay?"


"Looks like more mess for me to clean up, Gojo Satoru." Nanami sighed heavily, massaging the bridge of his nose as a burgeoning headache threatened to overwhelm him.

Things were never straightforward when partnered with Gojo, the strongest sorcerer.

"W-what?" Gojo twisted his lips into a mock pout as he strolled through the rundown apartment, his gaze scanning for clues. "I completed the mission just fine on my own, didn't I?"

"But you left more mess for me to handle. Why did you have to resort to killing?"

There was a brief pause as Gojo seemed to ponder something.

"He was the one behind all the mysterious gatherings of large amounts of curses."

"And what does that imply?"

"No idea." Gojo shrugged casually, his hand reaching to grab the only remaining photograph in the room—the only area that appeared clean in the entire rundown apartment, likely your room.

Briefly tearing his eyes from the picture to glance around, he couldn't help but notice the grim conditions—mold creeping up the walls, a single mattress lying on the ground, and a battered cupboard in the corner.

The top of the cupboard was where he found the photograph to begin with.

For a moment, he pondered the harsh living conditions you must have endured. It looked like hell.

"My six eyes could easily read it from his curse energy."

Nanami, who was close behind, realized this had to be true.

If Gojo claimed to have detected traces of cursed spirits' energy from Genji L/N with his six eyes, then it was undoubtedly accurate. The man was likely scheming something significant and sinister.

"What's that you're holding?"

"Hmm?" Gojo mumbled absentmindedly, a playful smirk playing on his lips, though the furrow on his forehead told a different story. "Nothing important. Just stumbled upon something interesting, I suppose."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28 ⏰

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