More about Y/N!

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Name: Y/N

Age: Around 437+? Because I said so(I don't think Qiqi's age is confirmed..)

Gender: Female(feel free to change it because it's about you anyways)

Vision: Dendro
Weapon: Can use polearm but prefers to throw hands

Where in Teyvat: Liyue!

Race? Species??: Zombie

Affliations(is that what it's called??): Bubu Pharmacy(Teyvat-past) Astral Express(current/main one in this story)

Basically Y/N is like Qiqi.(read the desc because I already wrote it in there)

She was a treasure hoarder before, living in proverty and hoarding treasures to pay for her little sisters medicine because none of them ever got education or medical knowledge before(you know what happened to her sister now). The time before she turned into a Zombie, she invaded(basically entered) an Adeptus's domain(let's just call it that, ok?) without knowing while searching for treasures(again, it wasn't her intention to). She couldn't get out of there and thank goodness, the Adeptus wasn't even there or else her death would be more painful.

While exploring the domain, she came across a mechanism like the Lisa domain, moving platform and stuff like that. Though, it was a little bit more.. unstable(you know where this is going now). Ofcourse, the most logical thing adventurers(except she's not) do is going to walk using the platform, but.. how unfortunate for her...

While walking on the platforms, the 4th platform she moved on was unsafe. She knew that, but it was kinda late to turn back because the domain was hella big.

The moment she wanted to walk on the 5th platform, that shit purposely(maybe not but-) moves itself away from her feet and she slipped off the platform, you would think she's about to fall into the abyss or what but no. Suddenly..

The moment she thought she was about to fall, that 5th platform quickly moved back to the 4th and yeah. Her neck got crushed by the 5th and a little bit of her torso got it too.

And she died, her body was hanging there for a whole week. Fortunately, the Adeptus finally came back later then saw that.. uh, yes.

Like Qiqi, you got resurrected by the Adeptus! You were put a Talisman just to be safe because of the Qiqi incident(so basically, at this time Qiqi already died and came back to life, but she's still younger than you!)

And it took you years, no- centuries to wake up again, you woke up, not remembering you died(but you remembered your sister)

Met that Adeptus, he told you everything.
You couldn't feel anything like sad or anything with that info, probably because you became a Zombie?

Go back home, to see your sister.

Only her rotting bones left.

Get sad, you went for a walk in Liyue Harbor.

Got a job! In a Bubu Pharmacy because that one person(not Baizhu, he wasn't even born this time) pities(does that word exist?) you.

You stayed there till now, thank goodness you haven't been buried(atleast not fully yet) by any Wangsheng Funeral Parlor workers(Hu Tao did, but apologized).

So uh, basically when Baizhu entered Bubu Pharmacy, you were already there.

End :)

Btw is it Adeptus or Adepti???

Sorry if there are any grammar mistakes here(there will be more)

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