So Trains Go: Yeowwwmm

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March's Room!

You looked at yourself in the mirror, taking a moment to process your new look that has been given to you by March.

It was.. actually, it suits you pretty well! Though it did take much time for her to style it and make it work.

She even had to borrow some of Himeko's stuff for you since her happy and cheerful theme doesn't really suit your much..

Don't know. Frankly speaking, you looked gloomy and depressed. Or depressing. Both works.

To be honest, Himeko's style that is much more elegant also doesn't suit you either! After all, take a look at your own hair! You don't even give a care to fix it.

But honestly, it looked kinda cute on you.

All credits goes to March for her expertise in styling. Everything went well!

But let's not mention the time it took for her to make that 'everything' work.

Her feet even started to cramp after a while, now she's sitting on her bed while looking at you with a smile as you continued looking at yourself in the mirror.

Then, she asks you, "You like it?"

You stopped and turn around to look at her.

"Yes, thank you very much." You answered.

She smiled wider and spoke in a teasing tone, "Well, just a senior helping her junior! No need to thank me!"

You nodded, "Okay.." you said.

She finally got up from her bed then walks closer to you.

"By the way, how's your new earring? Does it bother you?" She asked, pointing at your ONE earring on one of your ear.

Yes, somehow March managed to make an earring using your Talisman paper.

(Modern fashion be like LMAO)

(Btw I'm not sure if it's appropriate to do that, since I've never seen ANY fictional charas that's a Jiangshi wearing the Talisman AS an earring.)

(And if you're asking how March managed to take your Talisman off, you actually have lots of the unactivated ones in your pocket!)

(Back to the story)

You take a brief glance at the earring then shake your head as a response.

It doesn't really bother you. You don't know how to feel anyway(but that doesn't mean you CAN'T feel)

"That's good! It took me a long time to do it." She said, "Oh, and.. tell me if it ever hurt!"

You nodded and says, "Okay. Thank you.. Miss.. March." Thank goodness you remember her name. Anyways, you called her 'Miss' because you were more used with calling new people that.

Oh, you even used to call.. what did the floating cloud call herself again? By the way you called her and the Traveler 'Miss'.

You work to serve customers(patients) anyway, and it's been centuries since you work there.

Anyways back to March, she only laughed a bit at being called 'Miss' by her new friend.

"Aww, it's okay! You can just drop the politeness and call me March instead." She said.

You nodded at that, "Okay... M- March." You said, stuttering a bit because you almost forget her name again.

Gosh, you really need to start making notes like Qiqi does.

Unwanted: Dead or Alive? Already Dead Lmao [Various! HSR × F! Reader]Where stories live. Discover now