Y/N's HSR Kits + Animations + Voicelines

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Basic Stuff

Name: Y/N (??)
Vision: Dendro
Path: Abundance
Type: Imaginary


Kit + Combat Animations

• Basic Attack ~ Jump! And Slam!!
- Deals minor Imaginary damage to enemies based of her HP%.
(Basically just the same level of damage as other supports who does not depend on their basic ATK)
- Does not consume skill point, ofcourse.

- Animation
- You'll summon a Dendro-made polearm that exchanges into Imaginary type using your Dendro vision.
- You jumped up straight to the enemy and slammed your polearm to it(like Xiao).
- After that, you jumped back to your place once again.


• Skill ~ Beautiful Handwriting For A Doctor
- Heals all allies by 44% of her HP plus 6% of her current HP. At the same time, dispels all debuffs from allies and gives one of the debuff that were dispelled to one random enemy(can give more/to all of them if you keep using it!).
- If no allies got debuffed, grants allies 24% effect RES.

- Animation
- Example is like Hanya's ultimate animation!
- You took out a long paper and start writing stuffs on it quickly with a quill, but thanks to your 'readable' handwriting, your allies managed to understand it.
- You'll look happy(in the Zombie way) when you dispels the debuffs, but if there were no debuffs to be dispelled, you'll be confused and sighed.
- You'll then throw the paper away and your turn ends.


• Ultimate ~ To Save Another Is To Sacrifice Ourselves!!
- Deals massive Imaginary damage to one enemy based on her HP, but takes away 20% of her current HP.
- If HP is left with another 20%, will only take 4% of it.
- If HP is left with another 4%, will stop taking her HP and instead decreases the amount of hit she gives to the enemy as this ultimate really depends on her HP.
- As her ultimate hits the enemy, it will heal all allies each hit except for her, the amount of HP healed is based on the amount of HP she sacrificed.
(It'll automatically divide it to the amount of people in the team)

- Animation
- You'll hold your vision stone and close your eyes as green started to glow out of your hands.
- As the glow started to grow brighter, thorns started to come out from your palms, stabbing your body.
- With each stab, it will heal your allies(just like explanation up↑).
- At the same time, the enemies got hit as well with each of the stabs you took because of the 'contract' you've just made with them.
- Soon then you woke up and all the stab marks on you were gone.
- Then your ultimate is over.

(Btw after your ultimate is over, you unfortunately will get imprisoned for 1 turns)


• Technique ~ Something I Learned In Sumeru
- Like March, you'll summon an attack from who knows where, but with suspicious vines.
- When entering the battle after using the technique, will take 10% of the enemy's HP(basically like that one paper curio in SU).

- Animation
- You'll stomp on the ground with one feet and swing your arms to summon your technique.


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05 ⏰

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