What is this device..?

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Everyday is the same day.

Nothing's new.

As usual, you went out to get herbs for Baizhu.

You current destination is.. wait, where did he say you were supposed to go?

You weren't exactly listening to him, you only go with : "Okay." after all his yapping.

And now here you are. On top of a hill.

Were you even supposed to be here? Did he say you need to get some Qingxin flowers? Or was it that.. what was it called? The annoying purple thing that's hanging on the mountain rocks...

Wait, did he ask for horsetail?? Or Glaze Lily? Hold on, weren't you supposed to not pluck one of these out? Or was it a Lotus Flower?? Can it even be used as herbs???

Either way, you got everything. Not sure if any of these was what he wanted, but you even got him some Sumeru Roses! And Kalpa- whatever it's called- Lotus Flower and Starshrooms!


Wait, this is not Liyue.

You are in Sumeru.

How the hell did you even lose your way here???

You look around, and yes. You are indeed in Sumeru.

There was some hydro Fungi playing in the water.

'How cute.' You thought, with your face being poker and expressionless.

But what's more important now is to get back to Liyue. To Bubu Pharmacy.

But which way did you come from again?

That? There? Or was it.. here??

You're lost, that's for sure.

So you decided to go with old trick...

To let your polearm decide.

So you put down the basket full of materials, and summon your polearm.

You let it stand on the ground, then drop it purposely.

'Right?' You thought, seeing the result of your useful trick.

'Then let's go to right.' You thought again, trusting your polearm.

You lift your polearm back and *poof* it like that behind you, and carry the basket again.

You walk towards the 'right' direction, with the basket in your arms.

You don't actually know where you're headed, but always believe in yourself!

While you were walking your mind drifted off to your friends. Yanfei, Xiangling, Hu Tao...

'Wait, why are all my friends in Liyue Pyro..??! And I'm a Dendro.. does that mean.. I'm going to get burned..??' You thought, now completely forgetting about Baizhu and his order.

"No, no.. there's still.. uhm.. pirate thunder woman.. who again..?" You are now thinking about all your friends, not even bothering to care about where you're headed.

You don't forget how they look like like Qiqi does, but you usually forget their names(except for Baizhu and Qiqi because you see them everyday).

That's why you always give yourself some friendship test in your mind, trying to remember your friend's name.

Until, your mind were back to reality.

Holee sheet.

Where the hell have you gone now?!!

Unwanted: Dead or Alive? Already Dead Lmao [Various! HSR × F! Reader]Where stories live. Discover now