Where am I?

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You continue walking.
You don't exactly where you're going, but you won't get anywhere if you were to just stand in the middle of nowhere.

That's why you explored the ruins!

Which was also a bad idea since there could be lots of monsters in there and you aren't mentally prepared for fights.

But you didn't stop going deeper.

..after all, it would be too late to turn back as you've already went far and deeper in the ruins.

How stupid can you be?

Don't you know that history could repeat itself?

'I'm feeling a sense of familiarity in my current situation...' you think.

But you can't die twice anyway, so no worries!

However, it might have been wise to stay behind.

After all..

The unexpected could happen anytime—

'!!' You flinched, suddenly hearing a sound again after having lots of unnecessary thoughts.

It's a notification sound from the phone, but you obviously doesn't know anything about that because I don't think Teyvat has this kinda stuff??

You looked back at the device opening it again, thank goodness that phone doesn't have a lock..

There are.. a lot of whatever is that? (Messages.)

'Is the Hilichurl trying to communicate with me..?' You thought, seeing the screen with writings of not sure what is that, but you assumed it was Hilichurlian language.

You curiously tapped it, the screen showing you.. a Hilichurl conversation..?

'Bunch of random Hilichurlian letters..' you think.

Somehow, you are pretty smart with symbols!

There's something down there on the screen that goes ( |     ), (         ) gone.

You are smart so you tapped on it!

Which showed you letters?–
That you don't even know any of it existed.

"I should've brought the Hilichurlian Language book that Allen(you forgot Ella's name) gave me.." you said.

With your limited knowledge, you tapped on the letters.

The Chat

Astral Express Family

Hajaxokwmalao : Dan Heng

March 7th : Huh??

Himeko : Is there something wrong with your keyboard, Dan Heng?

March 7th : Oh wait! This is not Dan Heng...!

March 7th : We forgot to tell you guys this, but Dan Heng somehow lost his phone to an unknown planet!

March 7th : But it was kinda my fault for messing with some buttons, hehe...

Ksndhiwjakkaosk : Dan Heng

Welt : Uhm.. well, it seems like the person who has his phone is just typing random letters..

March 7th : Like, keyboard smashing you mean??

Unwanted: Dead or Alive? Already Dead Lmao [Various! HSR × F! Reader]Where stories live. Discover now