Free Phone And Free Clothes, Yay!

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The Astral Express

You stare out of the window, completely mesmerized by the view outside.

Usually you see grass, buildings, people and other things whenever you looked outside the window in the Bubu Pharmacy.

But this one is completely different.

No one at all, no buildings, not even grass or anything out there!
Just rocks, and black view out.

'Space, wasn't it?' You think of the black view right in front of you as someone called you out.


You looked at the talking bunny, what was it's name again?

"Please get off the couch, don't sit on it with your knees and your shoes on!!" Scolded the bunny to you.

'Oh, I think they said it's the conductor for this.. 'train'..' you think again before slowly getting off from the couch.

"Good! Now listen, Passenger Y/N!" The conductor says, which got your attention focused to it.
"March 7th called you, she wants you to see you-" added the conductor, about to finish it's sentence until someone cut them off.

"Y/N?" Called Himeko.

You and the conductor both looked at her.

Himeko walked towards you and hold you out something, giving it to you.

'Oh, it's the same device as before.' You looked at the thing Himeko is giving you, before taking it.

"Here you go, it's your new phone." She says, smiling at you. "Do you know how to use it?"

'Phone?' You thought as you looked at her and shaked your head as an answer which she only smiled at it.

"Well, I'll teach you how to use it." She offered you her help, and you accepted it.

Then she tell you from how to open and close it, how it can message and blablabla. (I'm not going to write the whole thing)

You probably wouldn't remember all of it, but you nodded as she taught you everything about it.

"You got everything?" She asks you.

"Yes, thank you Miss Himeko." You nodded again.
You don't exactly remember everything, but atleast you remember the basic stuff which is quite enough for now.

She smiles and chuckles softly at the politeness.
"You can just call me Himeko, it's okay." She says to you with a reassuring smile.

You looked at her again, with the same look as before. "Okay, Himeko." You said with the smallest smile which is the best one you could do.

Your focus was still on her until the conductor coughs to grab your attention again.
"Passenger Y/N?" The conductor calls as Himeko walks away from both of you to sit on the couch.

"Back to what I was saying before, March called for you in her room!" They said.

You nodded, "Her room is the second one just right beside the.. Archives, right..?" You asked just to make sure you remembered it correctly.

The conductor nodded and so then you runned towards her room which got the conductor angry again.

"Don't run in the train again next time!!" Warned the conductor to you as you continued running to March's room.

You arrived at the hall and looked at each door.
'The second one..' you slowly walk in the halway and looked at each door.

'This must be hers..' you think as you knocked on the door.

Unwanted: Dead or Alive? Already Dead Lmao [Various! HSR × F! Reader]Where stories live. Discover now