Look At The Bright Side, It's A New Friend!

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At Herta Space Station

You've just arrived.

This is your first time setting foot in this.. station space? What was it called again..

Anyways, there's currently a 'Matter' invasion here, you forgot what it was called too but now you are being dragged by March because you got lost at first while both March and Dan Heng was not focusing at you.

Thank goodness they found you unscratched and safe.

At first Dan Heng was a bit confused by how easily you got distracted, but March quickly explained to him about your... Don't know, disease?

When Dan Heng heard her saying you got resurrected, he had lots of questions but kept quiet about it.

After all, that's not the important thing that needs focus right now.

The most important thing currently is to rescue any trapped researcher and.. killing some monsters that's in the way too.

All of you continued exploring, looking for any researchers left.

That's until March saw an unconscious grey hair woman lying down in another room as she ran over there while calling out for Dan Heng(since she already dragged you there).

"Dan Heng, look! There's an unconscious researcher here!" She yelled out.

He quickly ran after her and went into the room.

"Weren't their coordinates sent out from the space station?" He asked, looking at the person with suspicion while walking closer to her.

March rolled her eyes, "Who cares? They're here and alive. Do they look like a mannequin to you?" She responded sarcastically.

You looked at both of them and quickly put your attention to Dan Heng when he goes to check on the 'researcher'.

"...." He paused a bit, "Weak heartbeat and pulse.. March, you better do CPR." He said.

"Huh!?" She jumped and blushed a bit, "Hehe.. I- I've never done it before! H- hey, Y/N! Why don't you go do it? You said you worked in a pharmacy right?? Surely you know how!!" She quickly suggested as she looked at you with hopeful eyes.

You looked back at her and nodded, "Yes?"

"See, Dan Heng! She could do it!" March says, being too happy with this situation, "So let her do the CPR!" She quickly let go of your hand and pushes you forward to the researcher.

You looked down at the unconscious researcher, as you slowly leaned forward to do the CPR.

'I just need to do the CPR, right?' You think again before leaning closer.

Your lips almost touched the person, which got March blushing more and Dan Heng also blushing a bit but he quickly tried to brushed it off.
(Because he knows you're doing this out of good and pure intentions, not in that way...though he could not stop his little blush-)

But the person slowly woke up her unconscious.

You noticed this before pressing your lips on her, so you quickly stepped back as the 'researcher' slowly sat up.

Which got March a bit disappointed.
(She couldn't get nice pictures of that after all...)

But she smiled, being glad that the person is alive.

"Oh, they're awake!" She said as she leaned closer at the person with her smile.

The person slowly stood up while holding their head, while you and March moved away to give her some space as you stood up and lend the person a hand for support.

Unwanted: Dead or Alive? Already Dead Lmao [Various! HSR × F! Reader]Where stories live. Discover now