Are you|part two|

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Hyunjin was called over to the meeting room to talk with his parents. He entered the room, and he was greeted by his mom and a few "hello's" or "how are you's".


"Hyunjin, we've brought in several girls for you to meet—" the king said, interrupted. "No." Hyunjin uttered.
"But you have to pick one! I dont want a son who has no relationship.!" "B-but mom.. jisung is in no relationship..?" Said hyunjin, in a sad tone. "No buts young man! And besides, jisung is the youngest. Hes to young to be in a relationship. "B-but mom.. you dont understand! I don't want to marry any of them." Hyunjin exclaimed.
"Why not? We've brought in all sorts of beautiful women from different backgrounds. Surely you'll find one who catches your interest?" The king said.
"No, I'm sorry but I just.... don't think I'm into women." 
The King was growing increasingly frustrated as Hyunjin continued to reject every girl he presented to him.

"What's the matter, son?" the Queen asked. "Are you not attracted to women?"

Hyunjin hesitated before answering, unsure of his own sexuality.

"Honestly, I'm not sure," he admitted. "I haven't really been attracted to any of the girls you've brought here."

"So.. perhaps you're.. gay." the king inquired.
Hyunjin's heart raced as he realized the possibility that he might be gay. The thought had never crossed his mind before.

The King and Queen began to argue, debating the best course of action to take. Should they continue searching for a bride for their son or admit that he might be gay and find him a husband instead?

Hyunjin was overwhelmed with thoughts and feelings, not knowing how to handle the situation. He retreated to his room, unable to listen to his parents' intense debate anymore.
Hyunjin was alone in his room, his mind swirling with confusion and uncertainty. He didn't want to admit to himself that he might be gay, but his parents' argument and his lack of attraction to any of the women they presented to him seemed clear.

He sat on his bed, unable to think straight as he struggled to process his own emotions.

"What am I feeling..." he thought.

"...who am I attracted to...?"

As Hyunjin continued to think, his thoughts became more and more overwhelming.

"Am I really attracted to boys instead of girls....?"

"What would everyone else think if they knew...?"

"I can't be gay, can I... No, I can't be..."
"...are you okay, Hyunjin?" his brother, Chan, asked as he knocked on the door and entered the room.
"I'm fine..." Hyunjin muttered, trying his best to keep it together.
"You don't seem fine..." Chan replied with a worried look on his face.
"I'm just... confused..." Hyunjin admitted.

"Are you having an identity crisis just because you think you're straight but you're actually gay?" Chan asked bluntly.
Hyunjin was taken aback by his brother's directness, but he couldn't deny that he might be having an identity crisis. "I-i dont know.." hyunjin admitted.

"Where have you been?" the King demanded, as he entered the room alongside the Queen.

"I..." Hyunjin started to reply, but was cut off by the Queen.

"You left the meeting without an excuse! Do you have any idea how embarrassing that is?" she shouted.

"I..." Hyunjin began to reply again, but was interrupted by the King.

"How could you leave in the middle of such a importante meeting?" he scolded.

"I...I don't know..." Hyunjin admitted.

Seeing their son crying, the King and Queen immediately softened their tones.

The Queen approached Hyunjin and knelt down beside him.

"Shh, it's okay..." she comforted him. "It's okay that you're gay. We still love you."

Hyunjin continued to cry, but began to calm down as he felt his parents' support and love.

The King approached him as well and sat beside him.

"We love you, son. It doesn't matter who you're attracted to..."
The King and Queen held their son in their arms and comforted him as he continued to cry.

The Queen continued to speak to her son.

"We're here for you, even if you're gay. We will always love and support you no matter what."

The King squeezed his son's shoulder tightly, reassuring him with his presence.

"Just know that how you feel is okay," he said slowly and gently. "It's normal..."

Hyunjin continued to cry for a bit longer, feeling comforted by his parents' acceptance and support.

His parents kept their arms around him, holding him tight and letting him know that they would always be there for him.

Eventually, the King spoke up again.

"But do you know for sure if you're gay?" he asked.

Hyunjin hesitated before answering, unsure of himself and his sexuality.  "I...." Hyunjin began, unsure how to respond.

"...I don't know..." he admitted.

"That's okay," the Queen replied with a reassuring tone. "Take your time to figure things out. You don't have to have an answer right away. Just focus on taking in everything that you're feeling right now and processing it." "Yeah," the King added. "Don't feel pressured to put a label on yourself. Just allow yourself to explore and feel these emotions, and eventually, you'll figure out what feels right." "Right..." Hyunjin replied hesitantly, still unsure of himself. But he felt comforted by his parents' acceptance and support.

He took in a deep breath, still trembling slightly, but more relaxed.

"Does...Does this mean that I don't have to marry a girl...?" he asked softly. "Of course not," the King replied quickly.

"We would never make you marry someone you don't want to marry," the Queen added.

They both embraced their son once more, reassuring him that they would always be there for him and that he would never be forced into anything he didn't want to do.

"We just want you to be happy," the King said.
"And we want you to feel free to be yourself," the Queen added. "Actually.. there is this guy, in autumnvale. His name is lee felix, he has two brothers, seungmin and minho. People say he's most charming for his doll looks and adorable freckles.."
The queen spoke. "I- okay.."

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