Adjusting..|part 9..|

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Felix spent his first day at the castle, slowly adjusting to the new environment and getting used to his new life here. He kept in touch with his family the entire time through the use of messenger birds, receiving regular updates from them and sending his own updates as well.
Throughout the day, he got to explore the castle grounds, meet some of the servants, and even explore the neighboring town a little bit.
He felt nervous and overwhelmed at first, but gradually he started to settle in and feel more comfortable with his new surroundings. He also met some of Hyunjin's siblings and other members of the household, finding that they were all fairly friendly and welcoming.
Although the initial transition was a bit difficult and overwhelming, by the end of the day, it felt more and more like his new home. The first day passed quickly, and before Felix knew it, it was late in the evening and time for bed.
He went back to his room, feeling a bit tired and sleepy after his long day.
He lay down on the bed, his mind slowly starting to quiet down from all the experiences of the day.
As he closed his eyes, he felt the soft sheets against his skin, and the calming darkness of the room around him.
The day's adventures slowly started to fade from his memories, his thoughts slowly turning to more peaceful and restful ones. Absolutely! Here's the scene of Hyunjin walking into the room:
It was late at night, and Hyunjin had just finished his duties.
He was feeling tired and tired from the long day, and he couldn't wait to go to sleep.
As he walked back to his room, his thoughts were filled with the busyness and excitement of his first day in his new life.
As he got closer to his room, the soft light of the candles flickering in his room caught his attention. He opened the door quietly, not wanting to disturb Felix. He walked into the room quietly and saw Felix lying on their bed, the sheets covering his body and his eyes closed.
Hyunjin could see that Felix was sleeping peacefully, which made him feel a little bit happy for him. This was his first night in his new home, away from his family, and he was sleeping so peacefully. Hyunjin smiled quietly, his eyes studying Felix's peaceful face for a moment. He walked slowly over to the bed, taking in the sight of Felix's sleeping face.
When he reached the bed, he sat down next to him, watching him quietly as he slept. He felt a little bit of affection for Felix in that moment, his eyes fixed on his peaceful face. After a few more moments, he started to feel a bit sleepy himself. He yawned quietly, deciding to just stay there and watch over his new fiancé as he slept. As Hyunjin watched him sleep, his eyes began to feel heavy and his body started to feel more tired. He eventually closed his eyes, deciding to just sit there and rest as well.
The soft breathing of Felix's sleep filled the quiet room, as Hyunjin slowly drifted off to sleep as well. They both slept peacefully, both of their minds slowly drifting off to sleep. As the candles continued to flicker in the room, it was quiet except for their soft, soft breathing. The two slept peacefully for a long time, until eventually, Hyunjin's eyes slowly fluttered open. He had been sleeping deeply and peacefully, but now he was starting to feel wide awake, the sleepiness quickly evaporating from his body. He sat up slowly, stretching out his arms and legs as he tried to wake himself up fully.
He looked over at Felix, who was still asleep in the bed. Looking at him, Hyunjin felt a feeling of warmth and affection for him, as well as a tiny bit of nervousness at how near they were now. He studied Felix's peaceful face, noticing the way his mouth was slightly open and his cheeks were slightly pink with sleep. And his freckles, were the most beautiful thing in the world. He felt like he should wake him up, but he didn't want to disturb his peaceful sleep.
After a few more moments, he decided to lay back down next to him. He wrapped his arms around him slightly, pulling him close to him. Jisung walked into the room, his voice slightly quiet and respectful.
"Good morning, Hyunjin... Felix..." He said politely, his eyes looking at both of them.
"Good morning..." Hyunjin and Felix said at the same time, their voices still slightly groggy and sleepy. Jisung smiled politely at them, his eyes lingering on Felix's slight dishevelment and sleepy face.
"Everyone is waiting for you down in the dining hall. They're eating breakfast already, so you should probably hurry down there too." Jisung said politely, his voice somewhat soft as well. Hyunjin nodded slowly, his eyes starting to become less groggy.
"Um... yes, we'll be down there in just a moment," Felix managed to stutter out.
Jisung nodded slightly and left the room, closing the door behind him. Jisung left the room, closing the door behind him. As he walked out, he couldn't help but think to himself, "...Felix is so cute..."
He had always thought that, but seeing him next to Hyunjin again just made him think it even more.
He couldn't help but feel a bit of jealousy towards Hyunjin, who had always had the attention of all the boys. "Hyunjin is very lucky..." He repeated to himself, his jealousy slightly growing.
He reached the door to the stairs, stopping for a moment and taking a deep breath before he slowly descended the stairs to go eat breakfast with the others. As Jisung walked down the stairs, he continued thinking about Hyunjin's relationship with Felix. He felt a bit of resentment towards the two young boys, wishing he was in the same position as them. Jisung just wants to find the love of his life and he feels like hes rushing his love life but the urge to just feel and touch and show affection towards someone grows. Jisung wants to learn and accept that love isnt just a statement and its true. As Jisung's thoughts continued to linger on the subject of love, he began to reflect on his own situation. He felt like he was rushing his own love life, putting too much pressure on himself to find the perfect person.
However, the idea of finding true and real love also began to appeal to him more and more.
He eventually reached the bottom of the stairs, finally breaking away from his thoughts, just in time to join the rest of the family for breakfast.

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