Wedding ceremony|part 10..|

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The big day had finally arrived, and the entire castle was filled with excitement and anticipation.
Felix's brothers were happy to be reunited with him again, although they were somewhat sad that their parents couldn't make it.
Minho and Seungmin had helped Felix get ready, while Bangchan and Jisung had helped Hyunjin get ready.
The king and queen had set up the ceremony and the food, and Changbin had been overseeing everything, ensuring that everything was running smoothly.

The king and queen had set up the ceremony and the food, and Changbin had been overseeing everything, ensuring that everything was running smoothly

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Hyunjins outfit

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Hyunjins outfit

Felixs outfit (im sorry i just dont see felix wearing this but for the sake of the story, it has to be this

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Felixs outfit (im sorry i just dont see felix wearing this but for the sake of the story, it has to be this.)

All the guests had arrived and were seated in the ceremony hall of the castle, looking forward to the wedding ceremony to come.
Everybody looked joyful and excited, as the atmosphere was filled with festivity and positivity. Seungmin and Minho had been prepping and motivating Felix for the ceremony, telling him not to be nervous and reassuring him that everything would go well.
They were both very supportive and reassuring, trying to put Felix at ease as much as possible.
They told him that it was natural for him to feel nervous, especially before a big event like this, but that there was no need to worry. Minho was the first to speak to Felix, giving him a reassuring smile and a thumbs up. "Go on superstar!" He said positively, his voice filled with encouragement. "You could do it!"
Seungmin added on, his voice equally confident and optimistic.
"Yeah! Don't be nervous. The Felix I know has gone through way worse." Felix smiled in response, feeling more confident and assured after their encouraging words. He had been feeling nervous and apprehensive about the big ceremony, but they had helped put him at ease.
"Thanks, guys," he said in a slightly relieved voice.
Minho and Seungmin both smiled back at him, encouraging him further. Jisung and Chan had been prepping for Hyunjin with much of the same attitude as Minho and Seungmin.
They had been equally supportive and encouraging, trying to ensure that Hyunjin was feeling as confident and comfortable as possible. Jisung felt more nervous than Hyunjin though, probably because he understood the significance of the ceremony better than him.
Chan also smiled reassuringly at Hyunjin, his voice full of positive vibes that brought a calmness to his aura. Hyunjin and Chan were talking to each other, preparing for the big day.
Chan was very reassuring and comforting, talking to Hyunjin in a casual but still respectful way.
"You look good today," he said lightly, his gaze passing over Hyunjin's outfit.
Hyunjin smiled faintly at him, his mind still full of the anticipation and nervousness for the upcoming wedding ceremony. "Thank you," he said quietly, feeling slightly self-conscious about how he looked. "I'm a bit nervous..."He then admitted quietly, hoping Chan could offer him more reassurance. Chan smiled knowingly, understanding why Hyunjin was feeling nervous.
"That's completely normal," he said in a calm and reassuring voice. "It's only natural to feel a bit nervous before something so big." Hyunjin nodded slowly, his expression slightly relieved by Chan's reassuring words.
"Yeah... I know, I just can't help but feel like everything is too good to be true. What if it goes wrong...? I mean, I know it won't, that's just my nerves messing with me..."He then admitted quietly, his voice beginning to sound anxious again. "Guys, the wedding is starting." Jisung whisper-yelled. The wedding ceremony had begun, and everyone was seated in the ceremony hall.
Formal music was being played in the background, and the atmosphere in the room was one of positivity and joy.
Hyunjin and Felix had walked in together, each of them dressed in their wedding attire.
It was a very solemn moment, and everyone was paying attention with their eyes fixed on the two young grooms. As the two began to move towards the altar, the music started playing a different tune, indicating the beginning of the ceremony.
The king and queen both stood up as well, as they were the ones presiding over the ceremony. As the king and queen began their speech, the whole room grew quiet and reverent. The music changed to a more soft and emotional melody, as the atmosphere became even more serious and solemn.
The king and queen were speaking about the significance of the wedding and its meaning, the importance of love and commitment. The words of the king and queen filled the room, and although everyone was paying attention, most of their eyes were still fixed on the two grooms.
Everyone could sense the importance of the moment, and the room was filled with anticipation for the two lovers to speak their vows. After the king and queen's speech, it was time for Hyunjin and Felix to say their vows.
They both stood in front of the altar, and turned to face each other, their eyes filled with affection and excitement.
Hyunjin began, his voice soft and sincere as he looked at Felix. "Felix..." He started softly, his voice filled with affection and love.
"This is the happiest day of my life, and I couldn't be more excited to spend it with you. The path that brought us to this moment was long and rough, but it was all worth it for this moment right now. "I promise to love you and to always be there for you, through all the good times and the bad. I promise to always keep your best interests in mind, and to never let anything get between us. No matter what happens, I'll always be by your side. " Felix's eyes were filled with joy and affection as he listened to Hyunjin make his vows.
He took a deep breath before replying, his voice soft and full of emotion as he made his own vows. "Hyunjin..." He started with the same soft and sincere tone as his fiancé.
"I can't believe we're finally here, standing in front of everyone and making vows to each other. This is the culmination of everything we've been through and it's still shocking to me that it's finally real. "But even more shockingly, I'm not just overjoyed by the fact that we're finally together. I'm overjoyed because I know we fit perfectly with one another. We've been through so much together, and we still have so much to do together. Nothing can change that and no one can ever come between us. " Hyunjin smiled warmly at him, his eyes beginning to fill with tears of joy.
"Felix...." He said slowly, his voice breaking slightly from emotion. "But one thing I can say for certain is
from now on, you're no longer just my dear fiancé. You're truly my husband, I l-love you..."


Its real, isnt it?

Felix had been listening closely to the vows of his future husband, his eyes now filled with joy and affection.
As he spoke and saw how genuine Hyunjin was, his feelings of love and appreciation only grew stronger, his eyes brimming with tears of happiness.
He couldn't help but smile as he finally replied. "Hyunjin... You always know the right words to say, don't you?" He said softly, his voice filled with reverence as he looked at his future husband.
"Everything you just said was exactly what I've been feeling, but could never quite articulate. It's perfect, just perfect..."

Is it perfect though?

After the long vows, the two lovers had finally kissed.
It was a magical moment, filled with emotion and love, and the entire room had erupted in cheers and applause.
Everyone was filled with joy and happiness, as it was a very heartfelt and poignant moment, a moment of true love. After that, the ceremony had progressed smoothly and quickly.
The king and queen officiated the wedding, and the couple were declared officially married. The entire room was filled with joy and a sense of celebration, and the couple had sealed their devotion with a final kiss.

Now that hyunjin is finslly married, they can have their happy ending now.


(dont worry its not the end yet :) )

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