Alot to get used to.|part five..|

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Felix had packed his belongings and was ready to leave his village. He was feeling a mix of emotions, some excitement and uncertainty, but also a lot of fear and anxiety. He was leaving everything behind, his family, his friends, and his home where he had grown up.
He got into the royal carriage, sitting down quietly as he watched his village disappear from sight. His parents and siblings watched from afar with sad faces, wishing him goodbye and blessing him on his journey. Now, he was finally moving to the castle and he could not stop thinking about all the new experiences and challenges he would face there. He felt a mixture of fear and anticipation, curiosity and uncertainty about what lay ahead of him. As he settled into his seat, he kept glancing out of the window, watching as the scenery passed by. As the journey continued, he grew more and more anxious, the thought of the unknown weighing heavily on his mind. Sure! Here is the scene where the parents are crying and his siblings:
As the parents and siblings watched the carriage drive away, they were filled with sadness. They knew that they would miss him terribly. They remembered all the fun memories they had shared together, all the happiness and joy they had felt.
The parents wiped away tears from their eyes as they watched their son leave. The siblings also had tears in their eyes as they waved goodbye to their brother. All of them were overcome with emotion, knowing that it would be a while before they saw Felix again. Of course! Here's the continuation of the scene:
Felix was sitting quietly in the royal carriage as he watched the scenery pass by outside. He was feeling a mix of emotions as he processed everything that had just happened. On the one hand, he was excited about the adventure he was about to embark on. On the other hand, he was also feeling nervous and anxious. He was leaving home and all his familiar things behind. He had to face a new world, a daunting and intimidating one. He had so many questions running through his mind. He was wondering about his new living conditions, what the people in the castle would be like. He was also curious about the person he was going to marry. He felt a slight flutter in his stomach. Was the person nice? Would they get along? Would they like each other?
All these thoughts and questions were whirring through his head as the journey continued. But one thing was certain, this was a new beginning for him. He was about to start a new life, one that would be full of mystery and intrigue. The ride continued for some time, his thoughts and emotions gradually shifting from anxiety and uncertainty to anticipation and excitement. The scenery was becoming more ornate and breathtaking than it had been before. He could see the castle in the distance, a massive marble structure glistening in the sun. He could sense the power and grandeur of the castle, the symbols of wealth and influence that it represented. As the carriage approached the castle, he could feel his heartbeat quicken. The adventure was about to begin. The carriage finally arrived at the castle, the immense walls looming over him. The castle was so grand and imposing that it almost caused Felix to feel intimidated. But the excitement of the journey overrode any fears. He was eager to explore the castle, to explore this new place and meet new people.
He stepped out of the carriage, taking a deep breath as he took in the grandeur of the castle. His journey had just begun, and he was ready to make it one to remember... As he stepped out of the carriage, he could feel his excitement and anxiety rising simultaneously. He was about to enter the castle, a massive maze of corridors and rooms that would surely be overwhelming. But, he was also curious about the new people he would meet, the new experiences he would have. It would all be a challenge, but one that he was ready to meet head-on.

Short chapter lol

I hate this book so much

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