A bright light.|part 12!!!!| (im back)

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Felix was out riding in the forest, enjoying the fresh air and the freedom that his life of royalty allowed him.
Everything seemed so peaceful and quiet, until suddenly, he heard something in the bushes.
He couldn't quite make out what it was, but it sounded unfamiliar and it was unsettling.
Suddenly, Felix felt as if something was wrong, as if someone was watching him or hiding from him. He looked around, trying to see if there was anything out of the ordinary, but he didn't notice anything unusual.
Felix suddenly felt his stomach sink as he realized that he was being watched. His mind began to race and he started to feel a growing sense of anxiety.  He quickly dismounted from his horse and cautiously walked over to the bushes, his heart beating fast and his breath becoming short.
As he approached the bushes, he felt like something was about to jump at him any moment. Felix suddenly felt a strong sense of foreboding and panic, as he felt an overwhelming sense of danger.
Then, he hears the rustling of branches and bushes, and he feels a sudden chill run down his spine. His throat tightens, as he slowly approaches the bushes, feeling like he's in a terrifying and adrenaline-fueled moment. The sound of branches and twigs cracking beneath someone's footsteps comes from behind the bushes, and the feeling of danger increases even more. Felix's hands start sweating from fear, his breath becomes shaky, and his heart pounds rapidly in his chest. Felix tries to remain calm and look for whoever is hiding in the bushes, but his sense of dread only grows stronger the closer he gets.
The footsteps behind the bushes get louder, and the rustling of branches and twigs becomes even more intense. Felix's body is overwhelmed by fear and anxiety, as the footsteps and rustling continue to become louder and more intense.
With every step he takes, the sense of danger and dread he feels only grows.
Suddenly, Felix feels a presence behind the bushes, and a sense of danger and threat looms over him. The feeling of anxiety and danger becomes even more overwhelming, as the fear and foreboding intensifies.
Felix feels a sudden spike of adrenaline, as he instinctively thinks that whoever is behind the bushes is about to hurt him. He wants to turn and run away, but he can't move. The sound of footsteps and rustling branches gets closer and closer, and he feels the danger grow even stronger.
Felix's heart beats rapidly and tears start forming in his eyes, as he finally makes the decision to run. He turns around and begins to run away as fast as he can, desperately wanting to get away from the dangerous situation.
The sense of fear and dread follows him as he runs, and he feels like he can never escape from the presence of danger behind him. His heart is pounding in his chest and his breath becomes even more short, as he starts to feel like the danger is catching up to him.
Fear runs through him like a bolt of lightning, his mind unable to process the overwhelming emotions he's experiencing. He continues to run, trying desperately to escape from whatever danger is behind him, but he can't seem to escape.
Felix's hands start to tremble as he runs, the fear taking over his entire mind and body. He can't focus on anything besides pure fear and adrenaline, his mind overwhelmed with terror. The rustling of branches and footsteps grow louder as they get near him, the sound making his heart skip a beat and his breath become very short.
Felix feels like he's being chased and he's unable to catch his breath or think clearly. Then, felix wakes up in a strange white room. And there standing....


Felixs (ex) boyfriend from autumn vale?

Why is he here?

Felix cant do anything, For he cannot move. He sees jaewon doing something.. saying something. Perhaps, casting a


Wait a second..
Felix recognises that spell..
But.. the thing is.. only

Witches and wizards do that spell..!

That spell...


Bewitchery is a spell... a forgotten spell.. that only witches use. That spell drains the magical aura from the elf (aka felix. The spell only works on elves and fairies.) and makes them forget their memory. No one uses it anymore.. cause well it was banned by all three rulers. There is rumors that eclipsara still uses those spells. Witches and wizards are POWERFUL entities. Most population of eclipsara is witches.

Felix's eyes widen at the sight of the spell cast by Jaewon.
He immediately recognizes the spell, knowing all too well what it does.
Jaewon was a wizard. A skilled magic wielder, and Felix knew that the wizard was more than capable of casting Bewitchery.
Felix's mind was racing, the fear and anxiety building as he tried to process what was going on.
He was aware that he had been kidnapped, that he was in danger, and that Jaewon was casting a dangerous spell on him. Felix's eyes began to flutter, as the spell began to take effect on him.
His magical aura was beginning to drained by Jaewon, and he was starting to feel weak.
Felix tries to resist the spell, but the bewitchery was too strong. It was slowly taking its effect on him, his mind beginning to become foggy. Felix's eyes slowly closed and his breathing became more shallow, as the spell started to take control over him.
He felt like he was being pulled into the spell, and his mind was starting to become fuzzy.
He tried to fight back, to resist the spell, but it was too strong.
The spell was taking hold of him, and Felix felt a growing sense of tiredness and weakness. Felix's eyes closed completely, his body becoming limp and his mind starting to become even foggier.
He was losing control, his aura being slowly drained away by the bewitchery spell.
Felix was no longer fighting to resist it, he was slowly slipping into a trance-like state, unable to resist the spell any longer. Felix's mind was barely conscious, but he started to hear Jaewon's words...
The wizard continued to speak to his friend beside him. On what to do with felix. but Felix could barely make out his words, his consciousness slowly slipping away...
The only thing he managed to pick up was... "The only way to break the curse is... Love."

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