•Chapter 8•

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•Minho's P.O.V.•

I was working in my office and a notification popped up on my phone and I opened it. It was by Seungmin and he texted

Hey, I have arranged the
interview for the secretary
today, okay?

Works for me, which time?

3:45 P.M. I have to go now.

Seen ✔︎

I just found out that the interview has been arranged at 3:45 P.M. and it is 2:30 P.M. I still have time so let's just go back to what I was doing on my Computer.

•3:20 P.M.•

My work was finally finished but there was still time left. I thought of that I should get some coffee so I don't feel sleepy during the interview. But I know who I am going to choose. I went to the small kitchen in my office room and got a cup and started to make the coffee. I drank the coffee. I went outside and I was just sitting on my chair. I was looking outside the large glass window behind me. The city was filled with tall buildings, cars and noise. I just wanted to go to a village so atleast I can live in kinda peace.

•03:40 P.M.•

•Jisung's P.O.V.•

I was late to my interview. Well I think so because it was already 3:40 and I just have 5 minutes. "Excuse me? I can drop off here." I told the drivers as I knew I will never reach the company with this much of a traffic jam. The driver nodded and I gave him the money and ran to the company. I reached outside the company at time. I got inside the company and asked a girl where's the interview room. "Let me take you there" the girl said. Her tone was very sweet. "I am Lia by the way, and you're?" "Jisung, Han Jisung. Thank you Lia for helping me" I thanked her. "It's my job. Are you here for the secretary interview?" She asked me and I nodded.

She was looking kinda weird at me. "Is.. there a problem?" I asked her, "No, just... Mr. Lee is really umm... Strict with his work and stuff." She told me "I don't have a problem with that" her smile got wider. "That's good." *Ring* We reached the floor where the interviews were being held. I hope my number hasn't came. "Thank you Lia" I again thanked her and she bowed at me. I went towards the room where alot of people were sitting outside of. I sat somewhere at the corner as I don't like socializing.

The names of people were being called out and now only some people were left. Suddenly a person called my name out and told me to go inside. I went to the door and knocked on it. "Come in!" A voice shouted from inside and I do know whose voice this is, Lee Minho. I went inside and Minho smiled when he looked at me. "Please sit" he told me, he doesn't look or sounds that scary... "Han Jisung. Is that your name?" I nodded. "Okay then let's start with the Interview" he said and I was ready.

•Time Skip to End of Interview•

"You can leave" he told me. I hope I did good. I left the room and took out my phone and called Felix.

•On the phone•
Bold : Felix
Normal : Jisung

"Yeah Jisung? How did the interview go?"
"It was nice. I hope I get chosen"
"Don't worry, you will"
"I hope so. And... Thank you for recommending this job."
"Btw your brother looks good in a suit"
"Is someone falling in love~?"
"Felix, don't tease me!"
"Okay okay, well bye. I am on a date with my boyfriend"
"Hyunjin, didn't you go on a date on his birthday yesterday?"
"Yeah so? We are partners and we can spend time together anytime we want"
"Don't you have a job to work? Huh? Did you quit your fucking job?"
"Shut (Down by Blackpink) the fuck up Han. I didn't I just took sick leave today."
"Because you and Hyunjin fucked yesterday" I mumbled
"What did you say motherfuc-"

I hanged up the call and got in a taxi. I got inside and told where to go to the driver. After 20 minutes we reached the destination I wanted to go to. The driver dropped me and I gave him the money. I went inside the building I lived in. I pressed the 4th floor as I lived on that floor. I dropped on the sofa. I thought of going at Felix's today. I definitely didn't want to run into Minho today. I went inside my bedroom and stripped out of the clothes I wore. I changed my clothes into comfortable clothes. A t-shirt and trousers. I texted Felix I was coming at his today.

Hey Lix, I am coming
at yours today at 8:30.
No buts

Baby Chick♥︎
Nuh uh, you ain't gonna.
I got Hyunjin over.

Too bad, I have already
Decided that I will.

Baby Chick♥︎
Fine, I'll tell him
to go. But then don't
tell me to go away
when I come crying
to you that Hyunjin
broke up with me.

You can't think
positive at all, can ya?

Baby Chick♥︎
Fine, I will make
Hyunjin come over
another time :(

Bye bye Lixie!!

Bitch thought of leaving me on seen. Well it is 7:30 P.M. I don't really know what to do. I just thought of walking around the town. I got my shoes on and took my keys and left the house. I was walking on the streets when I saw Jeongin. "HEY JEONGIN!" I shouted loud enough for him to listen. He turned his head towards me and waved with a smile. He started sprinting to me. "Hey Jisung hyung, what are you doing here?" He asked me "I was just walking around the streets. Wanna walk with me?" I asked him and he nodded.

"Hey hyung?... Did you go for the job interview Felix told you to give a try about?" Jeongin asked me as we were walking towards his apartment, "I did, I hope I get chosen" I told him with a smile. "Hey, do you wanna come at Felix's tonight? Me and him are spending time together so it would be nice if you come" I asked Jeongin with a smile as he was kinda left out sometimes. "Sure hyung, you can call me and we both can go together. Yeah?" "Mhm, well bye now"
"Bye bye!" Jeongin said sprinting to the building he lived in.

I was walking back to my apartment when I thought of getting some chocolates. I love chocolates so I went to a convenience store to buy some. After 20 minutes I got more than just chocolate. Chips, chocolate, sodas, muffins, cookies etc.(Btw Jisung is not insecure of his body) I left the convenience store after paying for the food. It was already 8:00. I called Jeongin and asked him if he could come to the convenience store I was at, he said yes and after 5 minutes he came there as the convenience store was just in front of his apartment building.

"Let's go" I told him and we left for Felix's house. His house was kinda far from our houses so it would take time. After 25 minutes fo walking we reached his house. I knocked on his door and he opened it, he smiled widely when he saw Jeongin. He was seeing Jeongin after a long time as he was gone somewhere with his parents for a vacation. "Sit inside, why didn't you tell me Jeongin was coming?" "I wanted to surprise you" I said as he kept the food I brought. "You should've told me" Felix said as he came back. "Yeah yeah, let's watch. Okay Jeongin?" Jeongin nodded as we started to watch a movie.

Hello! I just wrote a chapter and hope you like it. There was nothing special in this chapter. Btw I am thinking of confessing to my best friend. Should I? I just want to know that should I?

- Yuuri. 💋🌹🌙

Words : 1384 (meh)

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