•Chapter 9•

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These 3 are soo cute!

•Jisung P.O.V.•

I was scrolling on my phone when I saw a message pop up on my email, I opened it and saw a message from the Lee Company... Fucking shit I Forget they were going to announce the job result today. I opened it and prayed for me being selected. Please please please, I read the message and saw the main part.

Congratulations Mr. Han, you have been chosen to be secretary! Please come tomorrow at 7:00 A.M, we will tell you what to do.

Thank you,
Lee Company


•On the call•
Bold : Jisung
Normal : Felix

"What is it Jisung?"
"I got selected for the job!!!!"
"That's nice.. WAIT WHAT? SERIOUSLY?"
"Would I lie about this? YES I DID GET SELECTED!!!"
"Woohoo! Let's go to celebrate? Yeah? Me you and Jeongin"
"Mhm, bye Lixie"
"Bye Sungsung"

•End of call•

My gosh I cannot believe this! I really fucking got SELECTED!! (If you knew Jisung..). I am so happy. I will tell Innie about this.

•On the call•
Bold : Jisung
Normal : Jeongin

"Hello sung?"
"That you got selected for the job?"
"Yeah, wait? How the fuck do you know?"
"Lixie hyung told me"
"Did he tell you about the celebration?"
"Yeah he did, and I am coming"
"Thank you Innie, bye!"
"Bye hyung :)"

•End of call•

I am happy that both of them are coming. This is the best day of my life. Let's just continue scrolling on my phone.

•Time skip to the celebration•

I was getting ready and just leaving and just then somebody shouted my name "JISUNG HYUNG! WE'RE HERE" sound much like Innie. I put my shoes on and locked the door and left. "Hey Innie and Lixie!" I greeted them while getting inside the car. I sat on the back seat alone. I liked sitting alone and this doesn't mean I am left out.

We reached the club and got inside. The sound music filled my ears, people were dancing, throwing up, making out, drinking and some could be fucking in the rooms. But who do I have to fuck? Minho) Nobody, that's right. I never really have experienced love. I haven't even had my first kiss so don't even think I have lost my virginity. Ngl I have never even touched myself. So yeah I am inexperienced.

My friends dragged me to the drinks area and I Was disgusted,why? Because people were throwing up everywhere. "Don't worry, you'll be like this aswell." Jeongin told me and I just made a face that I don't know how to explain. They asked the bartender to give us a drink I have never heard of. The bartender passed me, Lix and Innie a drink. I drank it and it was bitter as fuck (when I was 8 I thought alcohol was apple juice so I poured it in a glass and drank that shit in one gulp. Don't even ask me what I did next. I was walking around like a drunkard and after that I was banned from every drink only water was the drink that was acceptable lol)

They gave me another drink. After 5-6 drinks I was drunk. I looked at my friends and they were somewhere talking. I knew Felix can't drink as he has a boyfriend now, iykyk. A man came up to me and asked me to dance with him. I agreed and we danced. In the middle of dancing he started to touch my waist, hips and thighs. Even though I was in a drunk state I pushed the man away and ran from there. I came to my friends and started crying telling them what happened. They were trying to make me calm.

They are the best..

Heyy!! I am thinking of confessing my bestie. I told her that I was bisexual and her face was priceless cause she was bi aswell. I have a chance now, but I am scared because a boy in her class likes her. I am thinking of confessing to her today. I hope she doesn't reject me. :D

- Yuuri💋🌹🌙

Words : 714 (I wasn't really in the mood for writing but whatever)

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