•Chapter 12•

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•Jisung P.O.V.•

I was resting and drinking some hot tea as someone knocked on the door. "Come in!" I shouted and they slid the door open. I looked up at the person and my heartbeat stopped for a split second. "Hey Jisung, I told you I will come today." Minho said with a smile, "This early? I didn't thought at like 8 in the morning" I replied and he just chuckled. "Well, this is for you, it might not be the best thing I've cooked but I'd be happy if you ate it." He said with a small smile, "Of course I would eat it Minho. What is it?" "Porridge, I hope you like it." He said again with a smile.

I opened the container it was in and the porridge actually looked preety good. It had some strawberries and bananas drizzled with chocolate syrup, there were also some pink hearts? "It smells and looks delicious! I know it'll taste delicious aswell!" I said as I took the spoon and ate the porridge. It was... AMAZING! "THIS IS SO GOOD MINHO! YOUR COOKING SKILLS ARE FIRE!"(Minho's cooking skill are fire) I said to him with a bigass smile. "Happy you like it Jisung" he said with a small smile. I finished the whole porridge within' 5 minutes I think? Even though it was burning hot by the time I finished it we don't really care, do we?

"Thank you for this Minho!" I said happily while drinking some water, "Oh it's nothing. I need to take care of you as my secretary." "You sound like a old grandpa Minho." Him and I both just chuckled before talking with eachother. It had been 2 hours, "Don't you have to go to the company?" I asked him and he nodded "Then why haven't you been there?" I asked him and replied "It is a holiday today as you didn't come. Don't't worry, tomorrow is not a holiday but I think I might be coming late tomorrow." He said

I just nodded and we continued to talk. After like more 2-3 hours of talking he left as he said he still needed to work from home. A nurse came inside and asked me "Would you need anything sir?" "No thank you but I just wanted to ask when am I getting discharged?" "I think a few more days" "Oh thank you" I thanked her. She left the room, I could've made a friend but I was too dumb to make one. I am dumb, you are ruthless Han Jisung.

I just rested for the rest of the day. I don't feel the same anymore. Before I felt happy and joyful but now I am filled with nothing but emptiness. Get it, filled with emptiness? Ah whatever. I need to talk to Innie and Lixie, they are the only people who make me feel like home and a little happy. I knew they're going to come today, they would come to meet me, right? I hope so...

•Time Skip•

I was in a deep slumber as someone shook me gently "Sungie, wake up" I recognised the voice and slowly opened my eyes, "Lixie, good morning" "Morning? It's 4 P.M. Sungsung" "Oh, I did sleep for a while" "Happy you got a good sleep" he smiled softly and hugged me. "Where's Innie?" "He said he is gonna come a little late" "Oh okay" Felix was stroking my head and smiling at the same time. "How is Hyunjin?" I asked him and his smile died down a bit, "Is something wrong Lix?" "No, just. He has been more busier than before. He hasn't been giving me the attention I want."

"It's okay Lix. He might be in stress. Does he come home late?" "No but he works late at night and doesn't get enough sleep. He has been getting very bad dark circles. I am worried for him health." I saw him tearing up a bit. "Don't cry Lixie, it's all gonna be good. You don't need to worry" I smiled and he showed me a small smile. "Does he eat dinner and breakfast?" "He doesn't eat dinner and sometimes only eats breakfast. I don't really know about lunch" he started crying. "Oh my Lixie... Let it all out" "Is he cheating on me?" "Lix! Don't think that, nobody is going to take Hyunjin from you. He will never even cheat on you Fefi. He loves you more so much you can't even think."
•Nobody's P.O.V.•

Jisung was a right person to come for comfort. Felix was leaning his head at Jisung's stomach, "Lixie are you aslee-" Jisung was asking Felix that if he was asleep but the sliding of the hospital's room door cut him off. "Jisung! Hey!" Jeongin came inside with a smile, "Innie! I waited for you!" Jisung's smile was really big and he was looking really cute. His chubby cheeks, his eyes, his lips, his hair everything was really cute. (Why TF am I saying this while Jeongin came inside btw Innie does not like Jisung;) "I missed you Jisungie! Ahh! Jisung!" Jeongin was acting like he met Jisung after millions of years.

"Not this much overacting Innie. I wonder who you got this much drama from" (I BRING I BRING ALL THE DRAMA-MA-MA-MA, DRAMA-MA-MA-MA, WITH MY GIRLS IN THE BACK GIRLS IN THE BACK DRAMA. TRAUMA-MA-MA-MA I BREAK TRAUMA-MA-MA-MA WITH MY WORLD IN THE BACK *KOREAN* DRAMA. Btw he learned it from our 'Drama Queen Hyunjin') "Who do you think? Hyunjin" "Makes sense" "Wait, is that Felix. I thought Felix left" He questioned "Nah, he was waiting for you." "Aww! He is such a sweetheart like you Sungie!" Jeongin sat beside me and started talking to me and Felix was still sleeping.

Soon enough Jeongin also slept on Jisung's lap just like Felix. They both were snoring softly. Jisung looked at them and smiled softly. "They are such softie." Jisung also slept while looking at them. Then near 7 P.M. Jeongin and Felix both woke up and left the hospital room. They both tucked in Jisung nicely as his blanket was all over the place. Jisung was still sleeping. He was having a nice dream. This the time Jisung got some people he could trust.

I don't really know what I just did and I think I forgot that Minho was a red flag so I removed that Minho is a red flag. The changes are made in the description. Btw guess who just got a girlfriend. YAY! SHE DIDN'T REJECT ME, WE ARE IN SUCH A CUTE RELATIONSHIP! I might not wanna say this but we kinda made out... ;)

- Yuuri💋🌹🌙

Words : 1115 (Good Enough)

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