•Chapter 10•

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•Jisung's P.O.V.•

I woke with a very bad headache, it was currently 6:57 A.M. Shit, I forget today was my first day. I looked around and saw that I was in my room. Lix and Innie must've brought me here. I got upand looked around. Everything was in it's place. When I left for the club, the whole room was messy with clothes all around. I got up from my bed and went towards the washroom. I got a shower and got outside. It was fucking cold, I got a formal attire and started to style my hair.

I needed to leave quickly because I already woke up late so I couldn't even eat breakfast. I left my apartment at 7:34 A.M., I guess I still have some time to reach. I found a taxi near my apartment so I got in it and told them the location.

•7:56 A.M.•

I reached the Lee Company and a bunch of people were outside, they were looking like they're waiting for someone. I was walking towards the entrance, a man came towards me and asked me "Excuse me, are you Han Jisung?" I nodded to his question and he smiled. "Please follow us" I nodded, looks like they were waiting for me. I followed the man inside and he led me to a room.

•Time Skip•

He told me everything I needed to know and told me about what 'Mr. Lee's likes and doesn't like. He also asked me some questions and I answered them aswell. He told his name was Park Sung-Hoon. I led me to Mr. Lee's office and told me what to do before he comes in. I got inside and he told me good luck. I made coffee for him and kept it on his desk. I looked around the office room. Was I allowed to? I don't know, I looked at his baby photos. His lips were very pink and preety back then.

Wonder if they are like that today aswell... What the actual fuck am I thinking. I am fucking dumb, why would I think like that about my boss. I can't believe myself- My thoughts were interrupted by the opening of the door. I looked behind and saw the 'Lee Minho'. I bowed to him and he showed a little bow aswell. He doesn't seem like a bad guy, his smile is also sweet. "Your coffee is on the table." I was surprised how I didn't stutter. I nodded and sat on his desk.

"Did you get all the information you needed?" He asked me, "Yes, and I also got your schedule for today" I told him and he nodded. "So what is my schedule for today?" He asked me, I took the tablet in my hand and told him his schedule. "Yeah, it's like always. By the way don't just speak out the whole schedule, just give the tablet" He told me, I just nodded and the rest of the day was like that. Him telling me what to do and me just saying 'yes' or nodding.

•3:30 P.M.•

It was now lunch time. I didn't knew that should I go to eat or no. "You can eat food, just don't take too long" he told me and I nodded with a smile.

I ate my food and was going back to his office, I saw him talking to someone on his phone. He was smiling while talking on the phone, might be his girlfriend or someone. I don't care about his 'love' life. He hanged the phone up and turned around. "Hey, sit down" I sat down, "So, how was your first day?" He asked me. "Good, I think so" I told him and he smiled. "Well that's nice because you have to do a little work I will give you." Ugh, finally the thing I came here for, doing my job and not just going around doing nothing.

He told me what to do and I started to do it. It's was just a little writing work, I mean atleast my writing skills will be better. After 30 minutes I was done and looked at him, he looked at me back and gave me another set of files. I started to the work again and again...

•11:00 P.M.•

My work was almost finished as a voice spoke up, "Hey, you should leave now. You have been working for a while now, have a good night" Minho spoke to me and I nodded. I closed the last file and packed my things. "I will take my leave now, have a good night" I told him as I started to leave, "Hey Jisung! I should drop you to your home" he asked me. It would be weird to be in a car with your boss so I just politely declined "No but there would not be any taxi's here and it would be dangerous for you to walk this late at night so just let me drop you, hmm?" He asked me again, he was right. I hesitated for a second but then agreed.

We went to his car and I sat beside the driver's seat because he said so, I looked at him reversing the car with one hand. He looked hot and I might say that I was kind of turned by that but not your boss Jisung. He started to drive and asked me my adress. I told him my adress and he started driving to my house. I was looking outside the window the whole time. Soon enough it started to rain. In summer? Nah that's impossible but I do like the rain so I just ignored it. Looks like I am gonna sleep peacefully tonight.(I love the rain so much)

"Hey Jisung?" Minho called me, "Yeah?" "We have reached you apartment" he told me and I looked outside and yeah, "Thank you Mr. Lee" I thanked him, "Drop the formality, just call me Minho in private yeah? Bye!" He said and drove away. He doesn't seem that bad. I went inside the building and pressed the floor on which I lived. I opened my apartment door and threw my bag on the sofa. The apartment was so silent the rain could be heard. I went inside my bedroom and took my clothes off. I needed to get a warm shower to relax my body.

After the shower I changed into a t-shirt and shorts. I went to the kitchen to see if there was something but to my luck, nothing. But I didn't really mind it as I was not even that hungry. I just closed all the light and went to sleep. Good night.

•Minho P.O.V.•

I dropped Jisung at his apartment and left for my mansion. I got off my car and ran to the door as I parked my car a little far from the main door. I got inside and saw that nobody was there. Me, all alone in this house. I went upstairs and did my night routine. I went to sleep as a few thoughts came in my mind.

What if Jisung doesn't like you?

What if he hates you?

What if he just wanted this job for Felix?

What if he will never like me?

What if-

I stopped this and went to sleep. I really shouldn't keep my eyes open anymore. (Fake eyes open) I closed my eyes as I drifted off to sleep. Hope tomorrow is a good day.

I am so fucking happy cuz I confessed to my best friend and she didn't reject me, she just said she needs time to think. I'll give her as much time she wants. I wonder how our relation will turn out. I am so excited!!! Lol today is Lisa's birthday so Happy birthday Lalisa <3.

- Yuuri 💋🌹🌙

Words : 1329 (I was really happy so I did write a decent amount!)

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