•Chapter 11•

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⚠️Warning: Self harm, suicidal thoughts, death mentioned and committing suicide.

•1 Week Later•
•Jisung P.O.V.•

Everything was going nice and perfect when I got my new job, Minho was also very nice and sweet. You might not believe this but he also invited me over to his house one night because of how much it was raining and no we didn't do anything dirty, I slept in his guest room and thanked him for letting me sleep in his house.

I was working on some paper work Minho gave me, a message popped up on my phone. It was from Minho, he said he was coming to his office for some work he needed to tell me. I just texted of okay. After not alot of time he came and asked told me there was a buisness trip outside of Korea. I was scared because I didn't like meeting people that much, and then it's out of Korea? Nah, I am not going but I'll need to.

"Hey Jisung? You zoned out" Minho called me and I looked at him, "Oh yeah, I am sorry. I-I would love to come with you" I faked the smile and he smiled back. "Okay, it's on this Friday" I don't really care about my weekend so yeah. I nodded and then got back to my work. I sat down and started to write again.

•Time Skip•

I finished my work and went to the washroom. I got inside a stall and I heard the door of the washroom open again. I heard two men talking. "Hey, do you know that Jisung guy? Minho's secretary? He seems really breakable. I would love to ruin him." A man spoke, I was really shocked. His voice sounded familiar, the same man spoke up again "I saw him first time at a club. He was looking sexy and he still does, I go to that club most of the time so does he." "So you just wanna fuck him? Man that's messed up..." They both left the washroom. So he was the person who was looking forward to fuck me. I wanted to cry but didn't let the tears fall out.

I got out of the stall and looked around, I hoped nobody was there and to my luck nobody was there. I got outside the washroom and went back to the office room and the rest of the day was also like that. It was raining alot these days, especially in summer? Temperature changes. I left early today because I didn't feel good and fortunately Minho also let me go. I got a taxi and went home.

When I reached home and threw all of my stuff and ran to my bathroom. I took the white and opened it. I took a blade out.

"I am sorry for doing this..." I said to myself

•All the things above⚠️•

I held the blade and started making cuts on my body. On my arms,(lol 'I wanna be yours' started playing, this isn't the right time) legs, thighs, and then I thought of the things I shouldn't.

You should Die,

You don't deserve to live,

Everyone hates you,

Your friends are with you because they pity you,

Minho gave this job because he pitys you

Die, take this blade and kill yourself,

Take a rope and hang yourself,

Take a knife and stan yourself,

Suffocate yourself by choking yourself,

Do it, now. You don't need to live.

Nobody needs you,

Your parents left you because they didn't want you,


My mind was filled with suicidal thoughts. I thought of killing myself. I took the blade near my hand and thought of cutting through my veins. I don't deserve to live, I should just kill myself. I thought I should suffocate myself because all the other will be hurting so I started to choke myself. I felt my vision blurring and soon my vision was black...

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