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I remember going to sleep peacefully with the dreams of reading other B&Bs but can anyone tell me what I am doing over here.

I think I am dreaming I get up and try to walk around my surroundings and look into it. I am totally surrounded by darkness and with the little moon light I am trying to gauze out my surroundings. Huge trees are what I can see there base itself is as big as my bed . Are they like thousands of years old, I am clueless about such forest. Is it AMAZON Forest. If only I could have studied a bit more properly I could have realised what exactly is happening and where the heck I am.

I check my pockets and I find a few chocolate bars and Swiss knife. Thank God I had bought them today and they were still in my pocket with the watch still in my hand I see it's 8.30 pm but looking at the surroundings it feels like it's midnight I try to walk around to find someone who could help me out.

I still have go home it still has yet to sink into me whether this is a dream or I am really in Amazon Forest.

But who the heck is so against me that they would just drop me of in such a scary forest or was there such a Forest I should just have googled more and studied more geography instead of reading those nonsense novels.

Huffing and Puffing I still drag my body and try to find something or someone. Atleast some clue to this damn place. I look at a huge rock in front of me. Which looks safe to me to go and sit on.
As I am definitely not gonna sit on ground waiting for morning. Because I am afraid of some random animal to bite me I don't want any injections or torn limbs. I cant handle that stress god knows I am just 19 years old I was just enjoying my holidays and novels. There still is lots of pending assignments to complete.

God knows when I will be out of this shit. How many things I have to complete.

I climb onto this huge rock thankfully it has some edges to grab onto and a flat surface on top.

I sit there waiting for morning gradually I lay down on the rock looking out for any helicopter to pass by. I am trying to be as calm as possible yet I cannot forget the facts that I was just sleeping on my bed. Being in a sleepy state I think I hope this is a dream and I will wake up in my bed.

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