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I was laying myself comfortably for who knows how long on this tree in my huge form. I camouflaged myself so that I am not visible at the first second or pop out in the open. I coiled myself around this huge red fire tree. It is the only tree species that can bear the weight of my real form. Looking blankly around the surrounding and dozzing off.

That's all I have been doing for past 1000 years. Life seems to have become meaningless. I can't see anything that might ignite my interest. It's just repeat 🔁 of everything EAT SLEEP REPEAT 🔁 for more than 1000 years. I don't have any mate nor does anyone want me around. I am considered an outcast and it's understandable I am different from them nor am I kind like those other beasts living together. Sadly I don't even have anyone to talk too. All my days pass on this very red tree who has similar colour to my scales. I just love this tree it's huge shade is enough for me to spend eternity. As I might just be like a vine hanging on this tree spending my cozy days for eternity ahead...

While looking around as usual I see something falling from the sky. And it felt like a female. I didn't care about her. Some eagle might have dropped her. I didn't give a damn even if she is killed by mistake or eaten by some animal. Those noisy females are too much for me. They scream as soon as they see me. I am so done with their behaviour.

I look at the female falling 🍁 down like a leaf flying around. I see her nearing the trees and then descending down very fast at a pace noone would have been able to see. But for me it was a slow motion. I saw her dropping down fast and nearing the ground. I could imagine her falling on the ground with a thud and breathing her last.

But something unexpected happened. Suddenly all the fallen leaves gathered together as if forming a bed for her. Deathbed I may say as it's not gonna help. She will just bounce and die. But her descend suddenly stopped and she was floating in the same spot while the leaf bed was getting stronger and softer. With grass and vines entwined together. A fluffy bed was ready just for her as if she would sleep on a cloud peacefully and the forest would hurt her. After the leaf and grass bed was ready she was slowly lowered by some unknown force onto the special bed and laid her down slowly. She was still sleeping peacefully as if nothing could bother her or come between her sleep. I could see once she was laid on the 🌿 🍀 grass bed she was not comfortable she squirmed a bit and then the leaves and surrounding quietened down as if afraid to disturb her. Slow wind blew as if patting her and singing lullaby and making her sleep. AND SHE WENT BACK TO SLEEP 💤.

After half n hour had passed by she still had not moved she slept peacefully. I decided to look at her. It was like my heart was calling me to hold her , reach out to her and keep her with me forever. As cold blooded I am I never was attracted to anyone in my life. But something was different about her. I slowly slithered towards her afraid of waking her up and running away from me. I wanted to know her not scare her away. I slowly reached her . I saw she was sleeping peacefully as a Baby. Her arms above her head. Her face hidden behind her beautiful forest green coloured hair as if she was nature itself. Blended perfectly into the forest with tiny colourful flowers surrounding her . Her hair adorned with tiny colourful flowers and she looked like a goddess. And she MOVED I instantly backed away and observed her . It seems she is still sleeping peacefully just changed her position. I once again went near her. Her face was now visible to me. She looked so cute so sweet and pure. Her face was so clean , cute little nose with tinted cheeks and beautiful thin pink lips. Fair skin and forest green hair. She looked just like a fairy. With some weird dress.

I knew I had some connection with her. I slowly reached out to her face and the moment I touched her I knew I would never let her go. She was someone I would protect forever. But I also knew females are a headache. I liked her I wanted to keep her but I couldn't handle all that noise so I left that thought in the back of my mind. I slowly held her in my arms. And she is Still sleeping. I planned to keep this bed for her with me. Nature itself made for her. I would keep this for her. And give to her once she is awake. Before she leaves from here I would definitely give her some fruits and this bed. It's so soft and lovely. Just like her.

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