Snake : Cassius

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I dream about those red eyes and that huge snake and I wake up myself screaming scared I look around my surroundings and once again I meet those red eyes , panting heavily I take deep breaths still locking my eyes into his . Remembering everything and those novels all come back to me . I quickly take a glance around my surroundings and yes I am in some sort of grass bed in a huge cave with proper lighting and ventilation I don't know how it's done and snake as a bed warmer who can turn into a human currently staring at me in his semi human form his long tail is a hard enough proof for me that this is real. Ofcourse I cannot ignore those arms around me , my breathing hitches with each soothing circle he was drawing on my back and slowly closing on me. I still keep contact with his eyes and he looks deep down into mine as if he could read my thoughts with his deep gaze. I feel suffocated yet I feel comfortable and safe I am not sure what exactly I am feeling. I am scared of everything yet I know he won't harm me . He held me tightly in his arms and patted my back  soothing me . He frees one hand and touches my face , I flinch with his contact but still feel a bit comfort and ease in my heart . He wipes my face with his fingers and I realise I was a sobbing mess held in his arms and he rocked back and forth like a baby to soothe me.

After I can say ages have passed I stop crying and calm down still in arms with constant pats on back and soothing circles and of course those annoying neck and face licks. I have also rubbed my snot and tears on his chest now my face still hidden in his chest sitting in his arms. I look up to see him looking down at me with a smile . I open my mouth to speak but don't know what to say again our mini staring contest and then I hear him for the first time " Love , are you feeling better now. "

And God knows his voice made my heart go up and down like a drum his voice is so soothing and it just touches the depths of my heart. Is this even possible it's like resonating my soul. Dammit what am I even thinking. I just stare blankly and give a Dumb nod.
And I get more pats and some kisses on cheek and licking my entire face and he very smartly cleaned my snot with something. And did he just peck my lips too. Shocked I open my mouth and use my hand to bear him on his shoulder and instantly try to back away.

And hear I once again hear the famous HISSSSS and I am once again back into his arms now held more tightly and I can feel the hitting didn't effect him in any sense. He sort of is  enjoying it and just held my hand and kissed it because it was my turn to hiss as it was aching badly by beating him. Is he made of stone aren't snake soft .

So now it's time to communicate I mentally prepare myself and once again open my mouth and I say "Can you please let me down."
And of course I get a big "NO."

BUT I HAVE TO GET ALL THE INFORMATION FROM THIS ENTITY BECAUSE THIS IS ALL SEEMINGLY GOING INTO THE DIRECTION OF BEAUTY AND THE BEAST. which I had always been desperate to read and eager to live in but now all the transmigration doesn't seem all good. If this entity alone could be so huge then what about all those others ferals , rouges and what not. And that bloody villian scorpion 🦂. Can I not be here. And this maybe just a mistake. I am not like those strong women who transmigrate, I am just a normal girl who has no survival skills and not fit to LIVE IN MAN VS WILD real life series.

I hope to start with peaceful introduction.

"Hi, I am AURA . Who are YOU ?"

(What are you? Where am I ? Can I go home ? Are there others like you ? Ranks ? Animals ? Humans ? Apes ? Harvey ? Winston ? Curtis ? Are they here ? Are you Curtis ?????) I said all these in my heart and gave a bright fake smile .

And I got the brightest smile and glowing red eyes filled with smile .
He said, "Hello Love, nice to meet you.  I am Cassius"

And puff goes my WHO ..I don't know anyone I in the wrong book or something.

God help me... understand this please. I so need some guidance.

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