Red Eyes

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I feel wetness on my neck and face as if my baby dog was licking me , I was so tired and just wanted to sleep more. I try to send him away yet my pompom (baby dog ) is not ready to leave my face and keeps licking me. I just want to sleep that's it.
I mumble "Pompom go away , I wanna sleep." And yet he doesn't go away but keeps licking me more vigorously and I am confused how can he lick my face so much when he is just a baby anyways I try to hold him and I feel some coldness a thick body but too cold I remove my hands and open my tired eyes to see . ...
N boom goes my brain I am totally awake now because there is no POMPOM there is a freaking giant snake head opening his bloody mouth and bloody marinating me. I scream at the top of my lungs and scramble backwards at the fastest pace humanly possible by me . But I just can't run away the huge stone I was lying on now It just seems like a pebble compared to this scary snake. Scales as dark as blood with tints of gold in it. Eyes dark red with gold specs . Opening his bloody mouth trying to eat me out. I use that tiny knife I was carrying to protect myself but would I , can I live , my knife is smaller than a tooth of his. What harm will it do. I am gonna go and call animal services to tell them about this. Bloody take care of this slithering animal. God knows I am shaking very badly yet I try not to scream anymore . He is looking at me and I am looking at him . I can't run away from here it had taken a long time for me to climb this rock and getting down or jumping will leave me with broken bones. I would be swallowed in the front by this red snake and broken if I jumped and still be swallowed. I plan to be swallowed directly at least I won't feel pain once venom sinks into my body. I was again locking my eyes onto those red orbs and seeing that snake slithering towards me one round of his coil is enough for me to be captured. I watch as he slowly comes near me as I feel the shaky stone my ground I fall to my knees and hold onto the ground and knife tightly. And ..and did that snake just get small!!??!!

Now that blood red snake straight out of hell was crawling or whatever was coming to take my life in a freaking smaller version still a lot bigger than me. It glided onto the stone slad and continued to marinate me with its saliva. Broken I still tried to move back. And guess what now I am into his coils held tightly to the point of breaking down. With one more lick and my breathing hitches and I await pain and death in this unknown forest or maybe HELL maybe I am already dead and this is my punishment for every bad word I said or something I am not sure. With my life going in front of my eyes I still don't realise what exactly did I do in all my 19 years of life and it's just plain as hell. I won't even be required if I am gone. I seem to have made no efforts or anything nor am I gonna be missed. I guess they won't even realise I am missing not when they won't even get my bones once I am digested into this huge SNAKE who can change its size.

I suddenly realise I am no more being licked and I start feeling some creepy stare so I look up and there stood a beautiful guy with light skin tone with long straight red hair with golden endings and red eyes with golden lines in them. And he is holding me in his arms. I just don't know what to feel one second I was dying and now this super cute guy just saved me and I was so in daze I didn't even hear any fighting. Wow he is looking at me. I have never even been so close to any guy ever and he is not even wearing a shirt. Did he come to this forest to save me or was this guy from hell. Is he some God . Seriously like those hades type. I just take my eyes of him. His eyes are so mesmerizing I am shy to look anywhere else. I don't know what else to do. He just smiled at me. And I felt butterflies in my stomach. I blushed and looked down and there there my dream broke and hell there is a freaking snake that same snake coils surrounding me. I shake like a rattle drum and slowly once again I look up and find the cute guy attached to the snake. I don't know what to say anymore so I was still being marinated and I had run thousands of years ahead in my head. I am hardly able to breathe anymore. And he opens his mouth and lowers his mouth towards me and I freak out and start struggling and he hold me tighter in his arms I can feel his chest muscles but I just can't ignore those scales that are also surrounding me. I try my best to break away as I am held in his arms and my feet are on his coils long left the ground. He licked my neck and bit me and started sucking me like a blood bag. I was on the verge on fainting and he came to my face and once again licked my face and my LIPS. That freaking sensation did it and I fainted or I am long gone to other world. Maybe with the poison already running through me and then I think I heard the guy say MINE and I fainted.

Hey buddies thanks a ton for your response and enthusiasm. I'm glad you guys are liking it so far and this SNAKE is for you guys and especially kuroneki as you had wished for . Let me know should I continue his name to be Curtis or Cassius.
And let me know whom all you wish to see next as her spouse.

If there are any spelling mistake let me know.

Do enjoy AURAs journey .

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