Please Don't Abandon Me

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She woke up crying mess. My cute little love just cannot handle things. She seems to be afraid of me. Yet strong enough to try to fight me by punching me and glaring at me.
But it hurt her hands and I felt so bad for my little one. But I also felt happy when she was held in my arms and she unknowingly hugged me and cried in my arms to find solace. Ultimately giving me happiness by letting me know that she finds me good enough to cry in my arms.

After stealing lots of kisses and licks . I am super happy and excited. Then she asks me who I am .

And I introduce myself as CASSIUS. I hope she likes my name as I like her's AURA .

AND then I see her looking shocked and getting stiff.
I don't know what is wrong with her.
Did she not like my name. Will she leave me. Will I be abandoned again. Will I die without any love.

No NO NO. I can never let this happen I won't let her go. She is mine . I have already marked her. My mark is also there on her body. She doesn't hate me. She is just looking at me blankly. Am I gonna be rejected???

I felt my stomach churn . But what else could I do.

My AURA please don't abandon me.

N I say it out loud to her." AURA, Please don't abandon me."
I say it in soft voice not to make her more unhappy.
I keep looking at her hoping she won't.
I don't wish to die.
Not when I have her. My love. My fairy. She is sent by the goddess itself I hope I am deserving of her LOVE.

Else what's the use of living.

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