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Madison knew how things were hard. She was struggling with co-parenting with Iain. They weren't talking at all. And Madison knew it  was affecting Lily.

She was getting fed up of it. Knowing she just wanted things to go back to how it used to be. But she wasn't sure how to do that. She missed how she and Iain used to be.

She knew she wasn't alone as Leah had been helping her out. But it wasn't the same. It wasn't the family she envisioned for herself. She had always wanted to give her children the loving family. A mum and a dad.

But it wasn't going to be that way. Iain had turned on her for some unknown reason. And she hated it.

She was in love with him. But it wasn't easy. She felt as though he didn't love her the way she loved him. Despite all they had been through.

All she knew was that things weren't the same. And she had no idea how to handle it. She just needed to make it work. For Lily's sake.

Morning came and she walked into the kitchen. Lily was fast asleep. She made herself a cup of coffee and started making Lily breakfast. She sighed knowing how she felt so alone sometimes.

Just as Madison was about to take a drink of her coffee, Lily woke up. She put the cup down and walked into her bedroom and picked her up. "Mummy can't drink a coffee when you're around can I my little love," she said as she kissed her head.


Madison sighed. "I know baby. It's okay. We'll sort it out. I promise you," she said as she held her close. "For now it's just mummy and Lily."

Lily giggled and wrapped her arms around her mum's neck. Madison held her close and smiled. "We've got this my little lady," she said.

Madison went into work. She looked up as Leah walked over to her. "Hey. How's my favourite girl?" She asked as she held Lily.

Madison sighed. "She misses Iain. He hasn't had her since he said he would. I don't know what more I can do. I want him to be a dad to her. But it's not happening," she told her.

Leah smiled. She looked to her. "You know im here. If you need a break, I'm happy to help. Sam has an attachment to her too. He's always asking when we're having her."

Madison smiled. "Thanks. I appreciate that so much. I just... I never thought Iain would turn his back on her. I hate it. All I've ever wanted is for her to have a perfect family," she said.

Leah nodded. "Go find Iain. Talk to him. Tell him how you feel. And tell him he needs to wise up for Lily's sake."

Madison walked into Iain's office. She closed the door and sighed. "What the fuck is your problem?" She asked.

"You what?"

"You heard. Why are you ignoring Lily? She wants her dad!"

Iain stood from his chair. He looked to her. "I want you."

Madison looked to him in shock. She felt him grab her and pulled her close. Madison groaned and tugged his pants down, exposing him enough that she could lower herself onto him.

"See. You want me too," Iain said, attempting to tease her at how ready she had been for him, but it came out more as a breathy moan once she started moving.

"Shhh..." She teased, covering his mouth with her hand as if to silence him.

Iain rolled his eyes and thrusted up to meet her downward motion, eliciting a short gasp from her.

"Now who's being too loud?"

"You really want to see who can make the other make the most noise?" She asked, lifting a brow.

"I'll win." He smirked, knowing just how loud she could be.

"Would you really though? ...this isn't my office. I'm just the resident who came to ask the chief a question and now I'm in this position," Madison teased.

Iain chewed on his lip, not exactly wanting to concede to the gorgeous blond impaled on him. The woman who was clearly waiting for him to do just that before she'd move again.

"No." He smirked, pulling her to his lips as they began to move together.

Both of their moans were muffled by the other's lips as she rode him, his hands tugging at her to grab onto her ass.

Her fingers interlocking in the hair on the back of his head, consciously making an effort not to disrupt the front he spent so long styling.

"Fuck..." She whispered, pulling her lips from his and bearing down harder when she felt her climax approaching.

Iain pressed his lips back to hers, absorbing the soft moans she emitted as her body buckled against him, quietly grunting his own release.

Madison looked to him as they both sorted themselves out. "What now?" she asked.

"I want you back."

Madison looked to him in shock. But could they really give their relationship another go?

Love of a paramedic (casualty)Where stories live. Discover now