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Madison sighed to herself as she sat in bed. Her head was a mess and she was feeling torn towards the job offer. Madison knew it was a dream job and that it was what she was waiting for and that if she had been offered a year and a half ago that she would of taken it without a doubt but it was all different now. She had Iain and lily to think about and they were her family and she couldn't just up and leave not even Iain didn't want to go and that she would have to leave him and that they would have to try and make it work and that they would have to try and make a long distance relationship work. Madison knew that they would have to sort something out for Lily's sake as she and Iain needed to make it work if she did take the job.

Iain looked to Madison and smiled as he woke up "are you okay?" He asked as she nodded "I'm just thinking over the job In America" she said as he looked to her and smiled "you should take it" "it's not that easy Iain, we Have us and lily to think about" "and we will sort of, this will be good for you and I want you to be happy and we can do this, I know that we can" Iain said as Madison looked to him and smiled as he leant in and kissed him. Madison wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him close as he ran his hands up thighs causing her to moan as he rolled over so that he was on top of her. They stripped off as he climbed on top of her and pushed into her causing her to moan as he started to move in and out of her


Madison got to work and sighed to herself. She walked into Connie office as she held her letter of resignation in her hand and sighed. Connie looked to her and smiled "so you gave decided to take the job?" Connie asked as Madison smiled "yeah, Iain and I are going to try and make it work for lily but I'm going and Iain says that he Wants this for me" Madison said as Connie looked to her and smiled "well I'm glad and I hope that you can make it work and if it doesn't work out in America, there is always s job here for you" Connie said as Madison looked to her and smiled "thank you" Madison said


Madison sighed as she got to Leah's and smiled "I can't go to America without saying goodbye to my best friend" Madison said as Leah looked to her and smiled. Leah wasn't happy over Madison leaving but she wanted the best for her best friend "I'm really going to miss you" Leah said as Madison looked to her and smiled "I know but I'm always here" Madison said as she hugged Leah "keep an eye on Iain, I know he says he's fine but I know him" Madison said as Leah smiled "of course I will" Leah said as Madison sighed "I Have to go my flight is soon, try and stay out of trouble and don't make me have to come back" Leah said as Madison looked to her and smiled "I'll try" he said as she stood up and walked out of the house as Iain stood waiting by the car knowing it was the start of a new beginning having no idea what was about to happen in months to come

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