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Madison stood in the hallway as she stood anxiously on news over Iain. She blamed herself, she blamed him for it all. Her head was a mess and she couldn't believe what had happened.

What he had tired to do and how he had tried to take her own life, she knew that she should of never taken that job in America And that if she didn't that she could of been there for him. He would of seen lily more and seen that she needed him. Madison ran a hand through her hair as Leah walked over to her and smiled as she hugged her

"hey, are you okay?" Leah asked as Madison looked to her and risked an eyebrow

"yeah dumb questions I know but it's going to be okay, Iain is going to be okay. I know that he is, you just need to have hope that he is, he is a fighter and he had you and lily to fight for" Leah said as Madison looked to her with tears in her eyes and sighed

"I should of never left him, I should never of left for a job, I love him more than anything and I said of said no and stayed" Madison said

Leah looked to and frowned

"mads, none of this is your fault, you did what was best for you and Iain told you to go, he knew it was a great opportunity for you, he supported you, it was that he loved his job here that's why he didn't go. You were making it work up until Sam died and he stopped visiting and become off. He hasn't been himself for weeks, for months, he has been lashing out, he even got arrested for something that he didn't do. He is a good man but he has been struggling and no one could get through to him, maybe you might of if you were living here but we wouldn't of known. Iain is going to survive but he is going to need your support, you need to be here for him and help him recover and that could been choosing between him or that job in America" Leah said as Madison looked to her and smiled

"easy, Iain, it's Iain every time, it always has been and it always will be" Madison said knowing that he meant everything and more to her.


Madison walked into iains room, he was out of surgery and it was the waiting game. Madison felt her heart break as she looked to Iain and saw him hooked up to a load of machines. She didn't like it, she didn't like it at all. It broke her heart to see the man that she loved like that. She sat on the side of the bed and sighed As she placed a hand on top of his and smiled

"it's okay, I am here. I am not going anywhere, even though I want to kill you for what you have put me through the past day. I have been worrying since I left America, America doesn't matter to me though, you matter to me, you and lily. Your my family and we are going to be a family again. Lily needs her daddy and I need you and I Am going to be right here by your side for when you wake up, I love you iain dean" Madison said as she felt the tears rolled down her face.

She was scared and she didn't know what she was going to do if she lost him.


Madison smiled as she got a coffee as Leah walked over to her. Madison hung up the phone and sighed

"are you okay?" Leah asked

"yeah, I rang up work and told them I'm not coming back to America, I'm giving up my flat and I'm getting everything shipped back over to me, it's going to cost me a hell of a lot but I need to be here for Iain. He needs me and I wanted to come home, I miss it and I know that no matter what I need to be here for Iain" Madison said as Leah looked to her snd smiled

"it will be okay" Leah said as Madison nodded knowing that it would be hard few months ahead.

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