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Madison sighed to herself, she needed to find the courage. She needed to do this. Madison was heading back to holby ED after a year, and that wasn't what was bothering her. She knew that from what her best friend Leah told her that her cheating ex, Iain dean still work there. She wasnt ready to see him, she didn't know if she would ever be ready to see not after he broke her heart. Madison sighed to herself, she still couldn't forget what is in dean had done to her even if it was with a year ago. She couldn't believe that she had chested on her with an older woman. Madison grabbed her phone, she felt like backing out but she couldn't. She walked out of her flat and ksah walked out. Leah lived a few doors over from her. Leah's daughter poppy ran other to he'd "auntie Madi" poppy said running over. Madison smiled as she picked up the toddler. She swung the toddler around and she giggled. "How's my favorite person" Madison asked poppy. Poppy smiled "mummy take me to nursery" poppy said and Madison smiled as Leah walked over "coming?" Leah asked poppy "no, me stay with Madi" poppy said and leah rolled her eyes as she took poppy and walked over to the Car seat.

"Are you ready?" Leah asked Madison "for tonight, nope. I'm not prepared to see him" madison said and Leah smiled she knew that her best friend had been through a hell of a lot in the last year "if he tries anything or says anything funny I'll cut his balls off I should of done that when he cheated on you. I dotn understand why he would of chested on you at all, never mind with Rita" Leah said and Madison smiled "you and me both, lea" Madison said as Leah shut the car door.

"Babe he is far to good for you, try and not to let him sick you back in, you've been through a hell of a lot this year. I haven't told anyone, not even Sam about what happened" Leah said and Madison smiled "thank you, I didn't want anyone knowing. I only told you because I couldn't go through it alone" Madison said and Leah smiled "I know mads" Leah said. Madison signed "I better go, I'll see you in a bit" " yeah" Leah said. Madison and Leah got into the cars and they drove off.

Madison got to the ED and started getting to work. She was going to act like Iain didn't excist. She was checking a patient when she heard his voice. She closed her eyes wishing he wasn't there. She walked off after checking the patient and started to do some paperwork "madi?" Madison hears iaon call. She felt her stomach turn as he looked at her, he walked away from jez and over to her. "So your back" Iain said and she rolled her eyes "no shit Sherlock" Madison said "you look great, maybe we could get a drink later" Iain said and Madison glared "sod off, there's more chances of pigs flying then of me having a drink with you" Madison said as she walked off.

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