Surprise ꕥ

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You had recently just moved into a small apartment with Tom, and since he was away most days you felt lonely. You had told Tom and he immediately reacted on your feelings, buying you a gift.

You come home after buying groceries for the week, when you see Tom's car in the driveway. He's home early?. When you get inside there's notes all around the wall?.. "put the groceries down and follow the rose petals" the first note said you put the groceries down on the floor and took your shoes off following the rose petals, you walk into the living room seeing another note on the tv.

"Go to the kitchen" the second note said, so you giggle and go to the kitchen. You see that there is a box with a note "look in here for a little sneak peek" you look inside the box and it's a collar?, you see a new note in the box and pick it up. "Come to the bedroom" you excitedly run upstairs and into the bedroom where Tom is sitting with the cutest puppy. "Oh my god Tommy! It's so cute"

"Aww, I'm glad you like him," Tom says, smiling widely at you. The puppy wags its tail happily and bounds over to sniff at your hand before licking it affectionately. "His name is Max," Tom adds, ruffling the pup's fur behind its ears. As you crouch down to play with the adorable creature, Tom chuckles softly, clearly pleased by how much joy this simple gesture brings to your face. "He'll be good company while I'm gone," he explains quietly, his voice filled with warmth and love for both of you.

"You listened to my feelings.. thank you baby" you say going over to him on the bed sitting down in his lap while he is man spreading. Kissing him softly when suddenly you hear a small bark "haha he's quick to be jealous".

Chuckling lightly, Tom gently pushes the puppy aside so that it doesn't interrupt their moment any further. "It's okay, Max," he reassures the animal, stroking its head fondly. Turning back to you, he grins and replies, "Well, I couldn't let you feel alone anymore." His fingers lace together loosely behind your neck as he pulls you closer for a deeper kiss. Their lips move against each other slowly at first before picking up pace; tongues dancing playfully within the confines of their mouths.

As they break apart from their passionate embrace, breathless but content, Tom leans his forehead against yours and whispers tenderly, "Baby... I promise to always listen to what makes you happy." A small blush appears on his cheeks as if remembering something else important - which seems unusual given his usual stoic demeanor during conversations about such intimate matters. Clearing his throat awkwardly yet endearingly, he continues, "There's one more thing..." Reaching under the pillow beside him, he produces a small jewelry box wrapped neatly in red paper bearing a bow on top. Handing it over hesitantly yet proudly, he finally speaks up again: "This is for us... our forever kind of thing."

"Like promise rings?! I'm so excited to show it off" you squeal in his lap.

Nodding shyly, Tom smiles broadly at your enthusiasm. "Yes, exactly like promise rings," he confirms with a hint of pride in his voice. "But not just any ordinary ones – these are made especially for us." Slowly opening the box, he reveals two delicate silver bands encrusted with tiny diamonds along the edges. They sparkle brilliantly even in the dim light of their cozy surroundings. Your eyes grow wide with wonder and excitement as you reach out to touch them reverently. "They're beautiful!" you exclaim breathlessly, admiring every detail of their intricate design.

"Put it on me! I want to see it on already baby" you say so happy for you and Tom finally getting together and moving forward to a better future.

With gentle hands, Tom takes hold of one of the rings and slides it onto your finger, watching intently as it fits perfectly against your skin. The feeling of his fingertips grazing across yours sends shivers down your spine, making your heart race faster than ever before. "Here we go," he murmurs softly, his voice thick with emotion. "Our journey together begins now." As he slips the matching band onto his own ring finger, locking eyes with you intensely, a sense of profound connection fills the air between them. This simple act signifies so much more than just a piece of jewelry – it represents their unwavering commitment to each other through thick and thin, highs and lows, laughter and tears. In this moment, nothing else matters except for the love they share and the bright future that lies ahead.


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