About Blackpool; Rynalla's Hometown

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Population count: 12,484 (now 0)

Majority race(s): Drow, Kobolds, Lizardfolk, Tortles, Wood Elves, Gnomes, Dwarves a small population of Insectoids, Dragonborn, and Orcs

Nearby habitat(s): Swamp, mountains

Ruling family: Helvith (Drow)

Exports: Ores/gems/minerals, lumber, peat, various alchemy ingredients, animal pelts, exotic plants and animals, dried/smoked/aged meat products and cheeses

Well-known products: Bog/Swamp Cheese- A soft cheese made from goat's or horse's milk that is mixed with a blend of seven different spices, stored in large, airtight, terracotta jars and submerged in peat bogs for anywhere from 6-12 months before it is retrieved and eaten hot or cold on bread slices, chips, crackers, with veggies, or as is. Said to have a strong smell and an earthy, nutty, spicy taste that is unexpectedly delicious to some races while others find it repulsive. A favorite of Dwarves, Orcs, Wood Elves, and some Insectoids.

Gem Candy- Large chunks of various natural fruit-flavored sugar crystals on a wooden stick. Sometimes called "Diamond Candy" or "Ore Candy". Can be made into "adult candy" with the addition of alcohol or weed into the hot sugar mixture before cooling.

BBQ Rodents, Frogs, and Bats- Self-explanitory. BBQ sauce is sweet and spicy with a peppery kick. A favorite among Dragonborn, some Insectoids and Tortles, Lizardfolk, and Kobolds.

Stirge Juice- The blood that had been drained by a Stirge is mixed in with hard alcohol and a small amount of sugar and served. Can also be served without alcohol. A favorite among some Insectoids and those with Vampirism; as it temporairly curbs blood-cravings for a few days. Stirge Juice with humanoid origins is considered much more "fine" and is more expensive then animal-derived Stirge Juice.

Slime Gelatin and Ooze Pudding- Gelatin or Pudding made with collagen and a small amount of a dispatched slime or ooze mixed with milk and sweetened with honey in order to neutralize any remaining harmful properties of the slime/ooze. Some recipes call for the addition of chopped fresh fruits into the mixture. A particular favorite among those with Black Dragon lineage or otherwise acid-aligned magic. A rare and expensive treat.

Candied Insects- Whole insects that have been caught and live-dipped in hot sugar or hot honey and seved on a stick or in small paper bowls once cooled down; depending on the insect's size. A favorite among Insectoids, Lizardfolk, Kobolds, and some Wood Elves. Lizardfolk and some visiting Aaracokra especially seem to love this treat.

Well-known Illegal Products: Pixie Dust- A stimulant/aphrodisiac that is often inhaled. Only seems to effect those with elven blood.

Soot- A stimulant/temporary mana booster that is often inhaled as a black or grey powder. Tends to effect users of fire magic the strongest. Highly addictive and may make users dangerously aggressive.

Draco Powder- A stimulant/aphrodisiac/mild hallucinogen that is made from powdered dragon scales and inhaled. Tends to affect those with draconic blood the strongest. Makes a user very, very aroused and can lead to agggression. Fake Draco Powder is made with Dragonborn scales and is often sold as the real deal without the desired effects. Fake Draco Powder reacts with dragon blood; real Draco Powder does not.

Devil's Tongue- Made from a rare fungi that grows in the nearby swamps that is consumed after being dried. Sends the user on the equivalent of a bad psychedelic trip unless they have demonic lineage, are undead, or they have Warlock powers; at which case, the trip presents itself as an average mushroom trip. A favorite among Tieflings and Gnolls. May transport the user to the Lust Ring of Hell if enough is consumed.

Sweet Sap- Sap from a certain species of tree native to the feywilds that tastes of honey and tropical fruits. After a refining process, it is often mixed in with hot tea and consumed. Produces effects similar to LSD and is often used by paladins, clerics, and other religious types to commune with their deities.

Local wildlife: Various insects, slimes/oozes, stirges, will-o'-wisps, various rodents, various reptiles, bats, pixies, blights, various fish, various amphibians, beavers, capybara, various zombies (uncommon), Bog Unicorns (rare), water/acid/rock/mud elementals (rare), Grimhounds (uncommon), Crocoducks, Dingonek (uncommon), Black/Blue Dracos (rare), Eel Hounds (uncommon), Greater Murk Wolves (rare), Kelpies (rare), Black/Blue Owldragons (rare)

Status: Destroyed by the Ancient Black Dragon Grimbreaker, the Dark with the help of Rynalla

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